Nov 9 2005, 6:54 pm
Geez... BYOND is like a big soap opera now. All these people asking for forgiveness for doing stupid things to piss people off... It's kind of funny, but a waste of bandwidth. People need to stop being douchebags to each other. Stop ripping each other's games, artwork, ideas (even though there is rarely an original idea, given that it is possible for two people a world apart, having nothing to do with each other to be able to fabricate the same exact idea). I mean, what's so hard about that? I wish this was old Italy and I was the Boss, respect would be the law, damn. That's my rant for the evening, thank you.
Internet drama MUST exist. Why? Because it shows how much cooler people like us are than other people...
I find it rather amusing, actually. :P
I hate the phrase "waste of bandwidth" though. Unless you're archiving the ever-living fuck out of the website, I can't see why a post or three about something is going to contribute to Byond screeching to a halt. In all seriousness, though...why do people think that by changing their keys to get away from a bad reputation and then admitting who they were in their "past lives" is going to help? It'd probably be better in the long run to stick it out. |
No, but for real, you are right. Why can't people stop being assholes and stop jacking other people's shit?