Keywords: efencea
We're heading into January now. Which means that Efencea is due for a release, as mentioned in my previous post--you may want to look at this first if you have no idea what Efencea is.

I'm happy to report that progress has been sufficient to go along with an early January release date. I'd like to say January 5th, although, I've got a few more things to implement.

What's New?

The GUI has been updated:

(A little more was changed than I had expected. Tayoko likes to surprise me with neat ideas.)

You'll notice, if you browsed my last Efencea blog, that there are quite a few differences in the main GUI. Some colors have been changed and a few new things have been added. Out of all the changes I'd like to direct your attention to the bottom right of the image.

This is where I introduce you to the -Boss- units. Each team will have three generals that, once they have enough Boss points, they may send as a single, very tough, opponent for the opposing team. As it currently stands, players are simply prompted with

when the time comes for them to send out a general. However, you may not have access to all three and you can expect 3 different generals if you're playing the aliens.

Aside from setting up the bosses, we threw together a small options window for people who would like to alter a few of the games settings.
Currently, players may change their sound settings--there isn't much else for individual players to change.

What's Left?
1) I need to implement bonuses, special things that players can accomplish to offset the balance of power. Mostly, these consist of challenging tasks, for instance, Revenge is a bonus that gives extra wave points to a player, who just received damage, dishing out more damage than he/she just received.

2) After bonuses are finished, at least the initial set of them, we need to do extensive play-testing to make sure there is a happy balance with the introduction of bosses and bonuses.

3) Release to public.

What of Efencea's Future?
I plan to implement a few more things after the public release. I still want to implement a ranking system, but I would rather that most of the bugs/balance issues be worked out before then. Also, I'm planning on implementing more maps and multiple hosting options for a later update. Then there comes the idea of making this 1-player by implementing AI. I've yet to ponder too deeply into how to make an effective AI opponent, however. Depending on the reception Efencea receives there may be offshoot games or a follow-up--if there is much of a reception at all, there will be fixes and updates to Efencea.
I love the graphics style for this game; it gives a nice futuristic tone to it. I have two questions, how long has this game been in progress? Also, will users be allowed to subscribe to this game?
Off Topic: Whats GUI stand for again?
Yash 69 wrote:
Off Topic: Whats GUI stand for again?

Graphical user interface.
Calus CoRPS wrote:
[...] I have two questions, how long has this game been in progress?

Today would be the 18th day of production. Which makes the 5th the 23rd day. It's nearing 3,000 lines of code and it just broke 70,000 characters. Overall, the hosting zip file is about 350KB. It may very well see 3,000 lines and 80,000 characters by the 5th.

Also, will users be allowed to subscribe to this game?

I wouldn't mind having subscriptions, but I really don't know what benefits I could give those players without making the game unfair. I already plan on making the game host-able by anyone--being a 2-player game I wouldn't want only two people per server and have to figure out how to have enough servers for more than a few people. Bad idea? Please inform if so.

Aside from that, I've never set subscriptions up. I don't know if you were worried I'd make people pay to play or if you wanted to give me money.

Yash 69 wrote:
Off Topic: Whats GUI stand for again?

GUI, is the graphical user interface, as Jeff8500 said, but you may know the concept better as BYOND 4.0 interfaces. Also, I just wanted to add that it's pronounced, 'gooey'.
3k lines of code = 70k characters?

Thanks Calus. Robot bosses where giving me a tough time, had no idea what character design to go for. hehe The very last one i made (they are actually in order there) Came out the best looking IMO.


There goes that darn Nay again.
I have this strange disease! If there are screenshots involved in a post, I seem to not read the post and start looking at the graphics itself... Just like in a game when you enter... No one seems to care about the game-play in the first 4-10 minutes... They run around looking at graphics. (Sorry for my ellipsis addiction...)

Haywire wrote:
I have this strange disease!

Sorry to hear that.

Yash 69 wrote:
3k lines of code = 70k characters?

What? You don't believe me?