If you can't pay it for something it gave you previously, it won't even give you the free stuff.

I have a visa gift card, which acts like a debit card in most respects. With it, I bought some iPod apps, as well as an album, which I mistakenly bought twice. However, apparently they don't accept my card, so now I owe iTunes 18$ (8$ of which was on the album I bought on accident, it's taking them over 48 hours to resolve this so far, unless they decide to take my money). Until then, I can't even download free things, namely some games. Next time I'll just have to remember that iTunes' music is bad quality, in a format that still isn't accepted by many MP3 players, and has DRM (I forgot about that at the moment).

Amazon MP3s for the win, go there instead.
iTunes fails
Oh that sucks. I would hate to be you. itunes makes it too easy to buy songs on the go. It makes spending you money addicting (even thou it already was).,2933,399461,00.html (Check it out)
Friends don't let friends use DRM.
iTunes is almost as horrible as your CSS.
Mikau wrote:
iTunes is almost as horrible as your CSS.

Ahh yes, my obnoxious CSS. It's the love of many.