![]() May 11 2006, 2:42 pm
I have something to say people may not agree with me but anyways. Kanak you can tell your icons were originally zeta and now edited i dont know if your planning to remake everything in v8 but i think you should anyways. I have been on BYOND for what 3 years now and i have tried to find the history of BYOND and didnt find much. But at first i was hungry to make a game i didnt know how to code or anything and i was 11 going 15 next month so thats 4 years lol. I saw Zen's code and then i saw Zeta's and i compared i realised some of the coding was the same but then i realised it was version 4 so i thought the game must have changed and i carried on with my life. When i went into DBZen the game i saw the icons were the same and i thought they looked zetarish. So that kind sucked ass. But as i went through Zen i realised changes have been made to improve the game and try get it away from the zeta. Niran in other words was a big help to Kanak and the DBZen community. I dont think this makes much sense but i hope kanak finds a better iconer next time and doesnt use any of Zeta and i think the game would be pretty much non-zeta.
/me agrees with Rickoshay, even though he doesn't play DBZ games anymore.
Kanak, long time no see! I <3 Pie. |