Ignore the title, it has nothing really to do with this post, I just wanted to include line or walk.
Although I did not receive as many comments as I would have wished, I did speak to a few people who played my demo and they all enjoyed what little they saw. Because of this, it has motivated me to create a few small updates before I officially start working on my fighting concept I posted not too long ago.
For those who do not know, yesterday I created a post about LineWalk which is a demo where the user can draw lines to help them create paths towards victory. It uses several of my unreleased libraries such as c_pixel, c_display, and Pixel Mouse Drag.
This video is not as smooth as I would have wished.
As seen in the video, it is now a race against time in completing this basic map. I am now aiming to make LineWalk a platformer where users must attempt to get to the end (which in this test, is a yummy cake!). Users may be able to upload their fastest times to prove they are the "king of the lines" on a certain map. There will hopefully be several levels that come packaged with the game. I would also like to complete a make editor, where users can create challenging maps for others to play on.
Now I was discussing the following feature with someone, online 4 player racing. Now originally I disagreed with making this project an online platformer. But recently, I got a chance to see how LineWalk worked online; it went smooth although some of the collisions were off (which shall be fairly easy to correct). This online racing mode will allow you to connect with up to 4 other players and try to get the fastest speed on the map. Each player will be a color different than the other players, along with their lines. The person I was speaking with said it would be fun attempting to jump over users and blocking them off with your lines making them having to erase them.
I will like to get more videos out, especially with this online mode. As you can clearly see in the video I posted, it is not smooth, so I will need to find a way to fix that. I also fixed a few bugs such as the one Vermolius reported. I still cannot reproduce the crash bug, which is plaguing this game. But I now found out that it does not only occur when jumping on a box spring, but lines and grounds also. So if you find anything new about this bug, please report it!
Of course once I get this project off its feet I will give it a new name, but until then, it shall stay LineWalk. I also would not mind some obstacle ideas; so far I have box springs and spikes.
P.S. What would you recommend me to do to make these post more interesting? It feels like I'm not giving it enough "liveliness" to keep peoples attention and make them want to reply.
![]() Dec 21 2008, 6:06 pm
The demo goes a bit slow.. Not buggy/lagness but just.. slow..
where is mah cake?!?!? :'(
Multiplayer sounds like fun, but the erase brush thingy has to be larger, otherwise it would be too easy to trap a player. Also, for obstacle ideas, moving obstacles and doors with timed switches always add a sense of urgency :) If you have time to fit it in, you may also want to consider some kind of limit on the drawing, to add some precision requirements. Like having the ability slowly regenerate over time. |
Also, adding to what DarkCampainger said, right clicks should act as an eraser(as it currently is), though should only be allowed to use for a limited amount of time.
Duelmaster409: I originally noticed this while I was creating this demo, but I soon got accustomed to the speed and forgot all about it. I guess I could increase the speed just a bit, thanks for brining this to my attention.
DarkCampainger: Haha, sorry about that. The current released demo is older and does not have a cake. Hopefully I can release a newer one before Friday. I agree the eraser should be bigger; I will try to find an appropriate size for it before I release the next version. I like those ideas for obstacles, I will absolutely use those. I was thinking of making the pencil/pen have a limit of creating around 150 dots. The way you can regain those dots is by erasing the previous ones you created. Though, this will slow down the multiplayer mode, so your idea with slowly regenerating them over time will probably be better. Andre-g1: The only problem with that is what if a player traps you in and you have no “erasers” left? Sure that would mean you will need to manage the amount you erase. But I know there will be some long maps in which you will have to use the eraser a lot in order to complete it. I will just add a limit to the pencil/pen and hopefully that would make the game somewhat challenging. |
Awww, you missed an obvious Portal joke. DarkCampainger had to fill in for you.
Calus CoRPS wrote:
Andre-g1: The only problem with that is what if a player traps you in and you have no “erasers” left? Sure that would mean you will need to manage the amount you erase. But I know there will be some long maps in which you will have to use the eraser a lot in order to complete it. I will just add a limit to the pencil/pen and hopefully that would make the game somewhat challenging. Bigger maps could have bigger time limits for its use, and it could be regained slowly, with time. |