what are yout talking about.

Im fine. Stfiu
Dan, do you like dicks?
uhoh holy crap that post is bad. Uhmm. Yeah so im 21, go team me!!!
i just spilt yogurt all over my keyboard :<
What did you drink last night, buddy?
i just ate yogurt off the floor w/ a spoon, eww]
So it's like what, 4 AM and you're splitting yogurt in your keyboard..awesome?
I got yogurt everywhere :< but im hungry. I dont know why you have to be such a jerk about that. EVerybody has to eat you asshole
Hey Dan, since Bet is on GOA, GO THERE YOU DRUNK GUY. But plz, dun spitz yogurtz over goa...(he asked it).
my brothers a noob i can hear him puking.
my brothers a noob i can hear him puking.
Don't be a dick, Dan.

fyi, i stole a DR. Pepper from that guy. What a dicklet, he tricked to Dr. Pepper block me but i was like, hey i want one ofthose. And he tried to stop me but nope.]
Who the hellowns like a 24 pack of dr. pepper in his room. Guys who get them stolen from them thats who.
...What're you talking about?
...., i hate ytou spo much
What did I do now?
*drinks a dr pepper*

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