Keywords: byond
Application icons are just about done. All we need now is your opinion: isometric or perspective?

The cube has been given to the .dme icon. A very good suggestion came up that it should be redone as isometric, which would be cool since many good looking BYOND games use this to look like 3-D. I gave it a shot and at first, I didn't like it. Looked too wonky. But now I'm going to let you decide.



And here are the rest of the icons, the final outcome of the .dme notwithstanding:

Please vote!
They look great! (Is that Incursion on the map icon?) Regarding isometric vs. perspective, I don't have much of a preference -- I guess I lean just a tiny bit toward perspective, but either one's fine.
I like the perspective icon more. The isometric one doesn't look like it fits with the others.
I like the perspective one better too.
I'm also for perspective.
All the icons look great! I vote for the perspective icons though.

Great job!
*agrees with the crowd*
I'm also for perspective -- the quality looks much better, as well as it fits in more.
I think they both look okay. So, seeing as everyone else has voted for perspective, I'm going to vote for isometric. Call it a sympathy vote. =)
while perspective looks cool, as others imply, i join Crispy in believing that isometric looks better because you can see all the sides (more importantly the top, where the brightest face is) clearer, IMHO.

also- if you decide to animate it (spinning/rotating) later on, the iso-view works better for that too.

I vote isometric myself, though that's hardly a surprise since that was initially my suggestion. The perspective just looks like it's trying to be "too" 3D; maybe the focus is just too close, so it's got a bit of a fish-eye effect going on. If there's doubt but you'd prefer perspective, I'd try perspective with a longer focal length. Mostly though I'm for isometric because it's a lot more iconish. It'll also be much easier to scale.
Definitely perspective.
Isometricsall the way.
*cough* I meant perspective.
Looked at the wrong one. =S
Actually, now that I think about it, Isometric could be better. They are both so good.

Isometrics. Final Answer.
perspective definately. =D
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