Arrgh. It's November. November! NaNoWriMo!
I'm not really very good at it, I don't think. I mean, what? Not even 1000 words of 50,000? Ah, well.

I didn't make it last year, because I was grounded and sick for much of the month. But, this year... I'm just kind of doing other things, I guess. I don't know.

Oh, my mom and I watched Charmed tonight. It was... kind of bad. But its badness was funny.
They were searching for some demon in a hospital, right? And a doctor walked by. So, the FBI guy said
"Wait a minute. Doctors don't wear dirty boots!", then ran into the room where the doctor was, pulled a gun on him, and went "DON'T MOVE!"
Then the doctor turned out to be the demon they were searching for. Because of the dirty boots.
Doctors don't wear dirty boots.
Then they had half of a fight scene, cut to commercials, and then suddenly got back to the house with someone who the dirty-boot demon was trying to hold captive. wasn't very good.

So, remember. Doctors don't wear dirty boots. When they do, you can pull a gun on them, because they're evil.
Wow. I never knew that.

I'll be sure to take a shot gun to the hospital with me next time. =/
omg yeh i agree with Smoko.
i'll bring some sort of bomb or something. god old dirty boots eh;]