I return to the BYOND world once again when in a time of need... lol.
Anyway, lately my ISP (at least, I guess it's my ISP... lol) has been pissing me off.
Limewire has stopped being able to connect at all, Azureus vuze has an extremely weak connection (as in, it's been working on downloading a file for the last 4 days... sure it's not a small file, but still, used to be it wouldn't take more than just an hour or so) with constant yellow smiley and the occasional red, and all my other P2P programs are also in the stages of dying.
I've tried port forwarding, shutting off my firewall altogether, etc, with no noticeable results. And I know it's not because I'm classified as a "leacher" or anything, because I'm sharing over 600 files and torrents (movies, music, and a few games). Of course, although the occasional download gets through, I have experienced 0 uploads since this whole problem started.

Any ideas?
Get a not-crappy p2p program. Or, better yet, use an actually good torrent program, and find a torrent for it.
DivineTraveller wrote:
Get a not-crappy p2p program. Or, better yet, use an actually good torrent program, and find a torrent for it.

I use Ares.... lol, as well as µTorrent. Just the above two are the ones that tend to get the most use (limewire for music, vuze for the random seeds I find throughout the course of the day. I'll use the other two when the task demands it. But I'm having the same issues on them all.