Hey guys ts ketsu im looking for staff to make a devil may cry online game. if you interested please post below.
How do you want to find a staff for your game if you don't allow non-members to add comments on your blog? If you look for the staff just in the "BYOND Members" you have smaller chance to find someone who would help you.

PS. It's suck when I have to join your guild just for few seconds to add a comment.
i can make devil may cry icon if you want and coding and im a byond member i would like to help you because devil may cry is a good game

Okay kool i can icon a lil and code Some... but im not an advanced coder im still on a basic lvl but id be happy to have your help my e-mail is [email protected] IM me any time this weekend i should be on most of the time. i really want this to work and i have lots of great ideas
i cant code devil may cry,but i have coded for naruto games and im quite good mapper, at the moment im a coder for Naruto Ninja Arts
Awsome im in need of a coder for naruto :P think u could help me out???
can i get on band on the game naruto sacred tales
can i plez get on band on naruto sacred tales
Are you dead by some chance?