Video games that is.
I just have no interest in them anymore. Whether it is playing them, or attempting to make them, I just cannot do it anymore!
I have purchased 8 games in the last 2 months. Of those I have played one of them for longer than 2 hours, and have not even played 3 of them (well, I started them up, and just started a new game before just not having any will to play them, then turned them off).
It is the same when I attempt to make games. I open up BYOND, and then think of all the time, effort and money I have wasted over the past few years, and what have I gained in return? Nothing, absolutely not a single thing!
Whenever I attempt to work on something I find my self getting distracted by nothing at all. I'll just stare into space and do nothing, because that is how little motivation I have to work on anything. It is so bad that in the past 3 days I have done... Well nothing at all. Despite many attempts I have written like... 3 lines of code... And not even finished the 3rd line.
This also means that until, or if I can ever be bothered to work on it again I am not working on Generiquest, nor am I going to have it hosted (not wasting money on it :[). I also have no intention of releasing any part of the source code, or any of the secrets behind it, so don't bother asking.
Maaaaan... I need a new hobby now. Because those were the only two hobbies I had. For 3-4 days a week I literally have... Nothing at all to do. And on those other 3-4 days I am working... For nothing basically.
Sure I am earning money, but I have no use for that money, since I have enough saved up to live off for the next 2-3 years easily.
My life is just so... Empty and worthless. Why do Humans have to live for so long in such a dull world :[? 20 Seems like a good age to die if you ask me.
I'm off to bed now, and I have no intention of getting out of bed until I am at work next, which is Friday. I really have so little else to do that I might as well just sleep.
![]() Dec 1 2008, 2:24 am
![]() Dec 1 2008, 2:27 am
I like playing the occasional Left for Dead or Counter Strike Source, I think I'm slowly fading into Web Development / C++ Development. Though, it's always nice to have a powerful machine :D
IcewarriorX wrote:
Got Fallout 3? It's definitely worth the buy. Don't listen to the fool. A hooker only lasts a couple hours. Fallout 3 lasts for weeks. |
Vexonater wrote:
IcewarriorX wrote: And you can't get AIDS from Fallout 3. |
Playing games with friends tends to make them more fun. I have a hard time playing single player games ever since I got used to BYOND, since almost all of its games are multiplayer.
Fishing is always fun, too. That, or grab a good book. I recommend Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, if you need some cheering up. |
Vexonater wrote:
Or you could get a girlfriend. Hookers are not only cheaper, they don't bitch when you leave them on the corner to rot OR if you're lousy in the sack. I'd rather have AIDS than a girlfriend any day*. *Happy World AIDS Day!!! |
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
Vexonater wrote: The World AIDS Day was what gave me that thought, I saw it in the paper this morning. |
Jeff8500 wrote:
Vexonater wrote: That is debatable... |
If you've only ever had work or a video game to look forward to, might as well end it now. Friends? They make everything more fun.
Ouch man. I was going through the same thing this last month. It's why I haven't been on your game much :/
but, you really got a great project going, and I'm sure you will get the urge some day to start on it again. As for the depression, I saw my girlfreind that I haden't seen in 2 months last night, and now I'm feeling pretty good! Go find yourself a girl. Not one to screw (less things work out that way) but maybe 1 or 6 to flirt around and hang out with :) |
Vexonater wrote:
Or you could get a girlfriend. This solves all his problems!!!! - He has something to do. (You know what I mean, hu hah!) - He no longer has money saved. ( ;-D ) |
What's with the "get a girlfriend" suggestion. I've had girlfriends before, and the last thing I want is another one.
Sorry guys, but 3D GIRLS = PIG DISGUSTING, STOP RUINING MY VISION OF A PURE WORLD ALREADY! (Seriously, I don't want a girlfriend) As for Fallout 3. Got it on release date, and it was probably the only game I played for more than 2-3 hours. Over the past 2 months I have gotten... Dead Space Fallout 3 Farcry 2 Fable 2 Valkyria Chronicles Little Big Planet Gears of War 2 Left 4 Dead I don't particularly feel like playing any of them :[ I have not completed any of them either, because I've gotten long bored of them before completing them. Books? Same as video games, I get bored of them before I can even finish them. |
The Magic Man wrote:
I don't particularly feel like playing any of them :[ I have not completed any of them either, because I've gotten long bored of them before completing them. I know the feeling - I have so many games which I've played for like 3 or 4 hours and then got bored. There are a few games which really hold my interest (most recently Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, the GTA games [woo I live near Rockstar North's HQ!] and oen or two others). Even supposedly 'great' games (Bioshock and HL2, for example) which I enjoy, I still have to make myself play to completion. That's not to say I don't find them fun, but I never feel like just picking them up and playing them. |
The Magic Man wrote:
What's with the "get a girlfriend" suggestion. I've had girlfriends before, and the last thing I want is another one. So.....hookers are still an option |
The Magic Man wrote:
What's with the "get a girlfriend" suggestion. I've had girlfriends before, and the last thing I want is another one. In that case, there is only one thing you really can do to add any point to your life. You need to join the Army. (And why would you NOT want a girlfriend?) |