I return from the rock I've been hiding under! I've done a bit of work since the last time I've updated my blog, though still not much compared to some people's standards. I've "perfected" the HUD system for showing damage to limbs. (Which means it works, and I haven't been able to make it bug up...yet.) Also, I've modded the ol' fashioned movement system a good bit! (Thanks to my good friend DivineTraveller!) I've modified it so the less HP your leg has, individually, it slows you down by a max of .4 seconds. So if both of your legs were "destroyed", 0 HP, you'd have a total walking delay of 1 second. Also, the weight you carry comes into play. The closer you come to your maximum weight, the more it slows you down, up to .5 seconds. Not only those, but if you carry too many items, you can't move. But lastly, the big doosy, the one that took me three hours to get working properly, after many server crashes and questions to good ol' Traveller, it has been perfected. Let's say both of your legs have been damaged to 50%. If you are carrying more than 50% of your normal maximum weight, you'll collapse under the load and drop your heaviest items until you are under that weight again. (A little trick that should keep people from attacking and running! ;D )
That's about all for now, but I promise you, more is soon to come! I'm back into my coding rhythm to where I FEEL like coding and I enjoy it. You get a lot done like that. Anyways, if you have an idea or a suggestion as to how I can make the game more Role Playing friendly, by all means tell me, and I'll be sure to consider it. With that, peace out, and Happy Thanksgiving!
- Mikey
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