It seems that the rules posted on the front page have been somewhat successful however not entirely understood or noticed by some people (particularly inattentive rip owners). So let me say one more thing to remove a lot of the grey area in judging wether or not a game should be removed from the Anime guild or denied submission.

If a game is placed on the front page then it is given original status. If a game is given original status then you can not under any circumstances have graphics from that game in your game without permission. There are some exceptions such as content included in WOTS when it was ripped originally, not subsequent graphical updates but the old stuff. The reason for this is because I have inherited a bit of a seniority issue with most "ripped" games containing WOTS code/graphics due to the NBOTLS epidemic. I would love to crack down to 100% no rip status in the guild but I'm afraid that would be too drastic at this point as we need to move popularity away from ripped games to a more full extent (ie 90% of playerbase playing original games).

Besides the WOTS exception however no game on the front page or subsequently placed on the front page may ever have its graphics stolen, if a game that is not on the front page tries to argue they made the graphics first it is almost 100% likely that I will judge this to be a lie because front page games are the only games with official original status and rips will have a hard time arguing that an original game stole from them.

This black and white rule that you cannot contain any graphics from a frontpage game (besides WOTS) should do two things:
(1)Create desire for game owners to aspire to front page status and premote original projects because of the protection ensured to original works within the front page.
(2)Create a feeling of safety for graphic artists and game owners within the Anime Guild. This is the most important point, I want everybody to feel safe that they can release their game to the public without worrying about theft. This is to encourage games like Dragonball Online II and Bleach Online to actually come to a release.

Also games that are released but do not gain front page status immediately because of not being complete enough or hosted often enough will still obtain the same security, basically when a game becomes a front page game It will enjoy all the protections even retroactively. That is that if an original game is released but is in Alpha Closed testing stage and is ripped, that when it does become a front page game immediate action will be taken to retroactively enforce these penalties.

Games removed from the guild will find it incredibly hard to re-enlist and will be subject to a very thorough investigation by myself. I feel this is the next logical step in creating confidence in the BYOND Anime community and I hope everybody understands exactly what I mean. This new rule is in effect immediately, no there is no grace period to quickly remove the BLN or GOA graphics you stole.
Hmm, Interesting
Sorry didn't mean to post twice.
A breath of fresh air has overtaken BYOND Anime. Or so we hope. Sounds good, I hope it works out.
Also to show my commitment to this policy, any game that violates this new rule may be posted in the comments here with detailed information of what game it steals from and a screenshot as proof.

Masterdan wrote:
Also to show my commitment to this policy, any game that violates this new rule may be posted in the comments here with detailed information of what game it steals from and a screenshot as proof.


So, Atm, I'm kinda high but umm, This basically means dont steal from another game? Or am I wrong?
Uh, it means you cannot steal from any game listed on the front page. Not the total games listing, you know how when you click on the anime guild theres a list of like 9 games and an arrow and the arrow takes you to the total listing?
Masterdan wrote:
Uh, it means you cannot steal from any game listed on the front page. Not the total games listing, you know how when you click on the anime guild theres a list of like 9 games and an arrow and the arrow takes you to the total listing?

Ohhhh, Ok I understand now.
Question, Lets say there's a game like I dunno Evolution Gaming. It has many Anime games within it like Star Wars: Animated Series, Naruto, Avatar, and Duel Monsters. All on one hub. Even though all the graphics are original and made by the teams staff it still wont be able to be front paged since its not on one hub. So if someone like I dunno this game [] rips there work. Since our games will never be front paged will there game be able to be front paged?

And if there's does become front paged and lets say a pack of "bad apples" come on to one of Evolution Gaming's games and calls it a rip and claims graphics are stolen. Evolution Gaming deny's there claims and decide to take evasive action, by writing a carefully, structured and organized topic in the Anime Guild forums. What will be the verdict, Will these bad apples get there way and stomp all over the hard labor and work put into the game by the Evolution Gaming team. Or will justice rise in favor of Evolution Gaming and announce them as supreme owners of those graphics and be claimed as the original owners?

"if a game that is not on the front page tries to argue they made the graphics first it is almost 100% likely that I will judge this to be a lie"-Masterdan
Basically if you want my help you need to conform a little more to the norms of the guild. I cannot grant frontpage status to a hub that also advertises non anime games. However if you did create a separate hub even after being ripped, and were made to join the frontpage, then the rip would be retroactively punished. If your asking if special consideration can be made and your game can be deemed some sort of offical status without having any sort of proper hub, then i suppose it is possible if a properly structured post was made. However I am more hesitant to be helpful when games such as Evolution games do silly things that make me have to grant special consideration in the first place. There is absolutely no reason why Evolution games cant be split up into the appropriate 1 hub per game.
First of all, I don't understand what you're actually doing. It seems to me that all you're saying is "Hey you, rippers! You're not allowed to take the graphics from this list of games!", which is something we've all be doing for just about forever.

It seems like the only thing you're threatening is removal from the guild, which doesn't sound like something that's going to work. First of all, because the official guilds are supposed to include all games. By not listing all of the games that are Anime, you are effectively not doing your job. Second, by doing this, you're opening up a space for an unofficial guild to list the games you kick out, and thus lose guild activity to that guild.

I'm all for cutting rips and improving BYOND Anime, but this plan doesn't seem to really do anything. Maybe you can elaborate for us?
Good stuff dan :).
Every game has a little bit of something for another game o.O
Yash 69 wrote:
Every game has a little bit of something for another game o.O

Not really, unless you're talking about ideas. Games may use libraries, but that doesn't really count.
Jeff8500 wrote:
Yash 69 wrote:
Every game has a little bit of something for another game o.O

Not really, unless you're talking about ideas. Games may use libraries, but that doesn't really count.

No I mean like common icons, most games use the zeta walls and floors, some even use the bushes and trees o.O
Yash 69 wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote:
Yash 69 wrote:
Every game has a little bit of something for another game o.O

Not really, unless you're talking about ideas. Games may use libraries, but that doesn't really count.

No I mean like common icons, most games use the zeta walls and floors, some even use the bushes and trees o.O

It's not too much of a crime if you're using a few similar icons. Unless it's say, a base icon and base accessories.
Well if your not going to do it can you like request an Official Originals Guild to be made. Its hard finding original games with over 100 Pages to search. 50 Games per page. That is over 5000 Games. Not to mention reading every hub description. And waiting for it to become live.

"I would love to crack down to 100% no rip status in the guild but I'm afraid that would be too drastic at this point as we need to move popularity away from ripped games to a more full extent (ie 90% of playerbase playing original games)."-Masterdan
Both Yash and EmmanuelV didnt really understand my post.

This only protects the FrontPage games, giving them basically immunity from theft. Zeta isnt on the front page is it? Also If your having trouble finding original games, heres a tip, 100% of the original games are on the front page.

They're original games yes, but they aren't the only original games lawl
find me one i missed
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