- After threatening to start picking on Flick again, he left this message:
I am still without internet, which is actually a good thing as far as my development productivity goes. :P I've made a fair amount of progress on Squadrons, particularly on the interface and the game handling underpinnings. It's coming along. :)
For those who don't remember, Squadrons is a competitive base defense game which Flick started a long time ago. (BTW, he also posted this pic of Flindal: Kingdoms.) - Apparently, I'm not attentive enough. Unknown Person recently made a post regarding many of his projects and... well...
Ultimatum is still being hosted every weekend (when I am at home, at least), and some attentive members probably found out that I made a very small update for version 0.8.2. People are still playing, so if you haven't played for a while, then you probably haven't seen some of the newer features.
Perhaps I can cover up the fact that I have not joined a server in ages by asking if complete, updated help files are one of the features. Muhuhahaha! - I spoke with Lummox JR on the pager. He was attempting to perform an overdue test of changes to Incursion, but he had some trouble getting players. (There were already two servers up at the time.) Once completed, these changes will clear the way for Lummox JR to work on updating the interface.
BTW, if you're like me and wish that the game log was separated from the chat, then you better voice your opinion. Lummox JR views the unified output as helpful to conversations about game events. I view it as spam for every other conversation. - Hobnob has updated his Warspite demo. It's still focused on the action aspects, but some of the graphics have been improved and the enemies will now shoot you. Next up are the damage model and the ship interface (which appears to hint at more strategic options in the future).
- Duelmaster409 is wondering what his fellow members of Paragon Entertainment are doing. It appears their leader, Squeegy, has been absent and work is not being done without him. The future of Military Tycoon is in question.
- Ter13 is creating an RTS based on a dream he had. He posted both the dream and his game design. Some building and unit designs are pictured in the post below it.
- I'll bite. Is Developous speaking to anyone in particular or some hive mind of oppression?
- I posted a progress report on GrimTunnel. I'm thinking of adding a second way to win in order to remove a positive feedback loop. I'm also thinking of adding player classes with a twist for a subscription model.
Brigitte Dale won't be able to visit Tiny Tree this Thanksgiving. I sent her an eCard. It wasn't really funny, but it had a yam.
Got news?
...I'll get to it at some point.
Keywords: honor, redemption, developous, attention