
Poll: Are you gonna see Twilight?

Yes 17% (7)
Maybe - 50/50 22% (9)
No 60% (24)

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Theres been a lotta hype about that new movie Twilight, wondering if anyone heres gonna go see it. The only info I know about it is, its about vampires. Theres been quite a lotta kids in our school reading that novel and now they're gonna go see the movie tomorrow. Lets hope they don't fudge the movie up in compassion to the book.
Look at it this way: It's a romance between a girl that really wants to get laid by a vampire that doesn't wanna get laid (or so I've heard in a newspaper article).

Seems like it will be OK, but I personally want to see the Cirque Du Freak movie more (I hope they don't screw it up, meaning it will be crap if it isn't rated R).
it looks lame.
Actually,i've been reading the books for a while and i'm planning on watching it tomorrow.So far there's three(Twilight,New Moon,and Breaking Dawn)
If you're in to fantasy chick flicks, go for it.
I read a brief summery of it, didn't sound too bad, but then again it was a summery, off course they want the good parts in it lol