Ok, I just decided. Next update to Generiquest is a team based PVP battle ground system.
The idea at the moment is simple. Two parties of similar size fight each other, they agree on a map and bam. They are put on the map, and fight it out.
Each map will have a different objective, and doing these objectives helps to win the fight much easier than simply killing the opposing team.
Current maps will be..
Gold Rush - Objective is to take over an area of the map and keep possession of it. The longer it is in possession the more points earned. (Possession is only kept when a player is in the area)
Battling Gods - Objective is simple. Heaven or hell? Lets rock!
A good team fights against an evil team, but there will be NPCs on the map to help each team. Points are awarded for kills and additional points for killing these NPCs (which do not respawn).
Zombie Invasion - Each team starts in a "relatively safe house", the map spawns more and more aggressive zombies. The team with the last player(s) standing wins.
How you play is upto you, whether you simply try to defend yourself, or kill the other team. But as people die they cannot respawn, so the survivnig team is the winner.
The Last Defence - There is a fortress in the middle of the map. One teams objective is to defend it and it's NPCs, the other teams objective is to take over it.
The game has a 15 minute time limit. If the fortress hasn't been taken over in that time then the defending team wins.
That is all for now. Will think of and add more at a later date. Ideas are also welcome.
The estimated time for this to be added is 1-2 weeks depending on how much work I have.
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