Hello all. Long time no see. Anyhow, I've gone to the midnight release for Gears of War 2 and now I have it. It's a very competitive game, and the 9.5 rating it got, was right. Simply amazing. Now, I'm only on * Act 3-Chapter 4 * but so far the story is funny, action packed, and down right kick ass! Playing the game mode "Horde" is pretty challenging as well. I don;t think I'll be able to make it to wave 50 because even the 10th wave is challenging. Anyways, if some of you BYONDers have GoW2, and you read this. Leave your Gamer Tag on this post and I'll add you as soon as possible for some match making. Also, I have the Call of Duty World At War Beta, as well as Left 4 Dead Demo. Both of those games are epic as well.
With gaming aside, I have some beautiful pictures of my daughter to show off! Lol. I'm so proud of her, she is growing so fast, and learning to get in trouble so quick... just like her father! >:D
--Professional Photoshoot--
--At Home Pictures--
Got in to daddy's CD collection... little stinker.
That is all for now. Anyhow, hit me up, I haven't talked to anyone in a minute. Laters...