Jerico2day wrote:

I have no idea what you're talking about. So here's you with some pancakes on your head.

I have been pancaked. Nice one.
Wash those pancakes down with some Nay!
Nay for you being gay, Teen Goku. And IceWarrior is right, that is NOT a "carpet", and if it is, it is the most unorganized and wacked-out "carpet" I've ever seen, I fail to see even a use for the thing..And whats with the cups on the dresser, you like collecting them or something? I think I see some old spice, at least you THINK about being 1/10th decent
Let me start from the start and work my way down.

Spree60 wrote:
Nay (What was the reason to say Nay, is it so you feel important?)
for you being gay (How does this picture say that I am gay? Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it, so you dont look like an idiot.)
And IceWarrior is right, that is NOT a "carpet", and if it is, it is the most unorganized and wacked-out "carpet" I've ever seen. (Not everyone has the same taste in things. Your opinion doesnt matter in the case.)
And whats with the cups on the dresser, you like collecting them or something? (If I was collecting them, what could you do about it? Cry?)

Over all, I see you as a little person that thinks he can make people upset. Well i think you should try it on someone else. ^_^
Shouls of wore a COstume and had a Knife O_o
Looks like ur gonna bang someone hard with that thing in ur hand rofl
Just dont try anything Evil like
in the movies >:/
Evil i sense lol
Goku super sayian 4 wrote:
Shouls of wore a COstume and had a Knife O_o
Looks like ur gonna bang someone hard with that thing in ur hand rofl
Just dont try anything Evil like
in the movies >:/
Evil i sense lol

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