Gameplay: Pretty nice and casual. The introduction of water traps on some holes can be frustrating, though, as are the holes with small corridors for you to hit the ball through. In essence, it's a nice pixel movement system coupled with a power bar. The power bar is also rather frustrating, though, as it doesn't seem too consistent (~10% power barely moves the ball, ~100% moves it about 30-40 times farther than the ~10%). The HUD is pretty straight forward, though, as is the title screen. What I'd really love to see in this game is more obstacles, though. This would help the frustrating levels become less...frustrating. Did I mention you get to choose the color of your ball?
Another small flaw is the par for each hole. All holes have the same par (3) and on some levels it's almost impossible to meet it. My score was 98, whereas the par is 54.
The 18th hole, which was rather annoying to complete. You can see the nice HUD, and the decent icons.
Presentation: Typical BYOND game, really. Consistent, simple graphics give it a casual, relaxing feel, and don't kill the eyes. No sound, but most BYOND games don't have it anyway!
The title screen
Originality: For BYOND, it's pretty unique. Otherwise, it's what you would see in your average flash game.
Overall: It's a nice game, with a few kinks. It needs a little more substance, but it's still good for a play or two. There are some frustrating levels, which do harm the gameplay a bit. It feels a lot like a flash game, which is pretty awesome in and of itself. The pars for each hole are quite annoying, and nearly impossible to meet, but that's not really important.
Yeah, the game is ridiculously challenging for the pars that I set. I really want to update the game and I actually wrote a custom hole editor but never got around to finishing anything. One of these days...