Keywords: gatdude
For those of you who don't get it. Gatdude (hover over link for definition) posted a blog saying SS13(Space Station 13) was the worst game ever. Then was ignorant enough to delete comments and then eventually the blog itself.

Apparently the genius doesn't know there's a "review" option. Second, I would review one of his games. But guess what? He has about 10, NONE of them up.

Worst games TO^BE ever made!:
Dragonball Saiyan Prophecy [Just gonna say rip]
Harry Potter: voldermort's Return [Credits To Ragnorak HGM For The Main Source] [RIP]
Lets just skip the others, sure we don't expect much
Pilots of Darkness
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Multi Hub
Stargate Reborn dragonball
harry potter the new begin
pokemon bayshue

Moving along to your libraries:

mob/verb/Say(t as text)
world<<"[usr] says: [html_encode(t)]"

I don't know very much DM. Really, and even if mine is shorter then yours, I'm pretty sure I don't need a Library for a say verb. But if a new DM programmer REALLY wanted to learn, F1 to bring up the reference and search "text" it gives exactly what you said. Something tells me say is all you've learned apparently. (Also - I don't think you made that"color font" library. Maybe with help, that or it's copy+pasted.)

Apparently he doesn't know how to upload libraries either, only one works for me. One links to an outside source and another just is a bad zip.

Now as for those of you wondering why I would do this. I started out bad (sure someone recalls how moronic I was) but to be as ignorant as this guy. I don't even know what to say. Saying a game that's been popular on BYOND for as long as I can remember sucks, then giving no REAL feedback and not having ANY experience of his own. Takes balls. Or stupidity.

I go with the latter.
Oh you rebel you, we both know what you did when you started out. Mr. Bug Exploiter.

Nice touch with the title in the anchor tag though. Gave me a nice laugh.
Don't mean to go off topic but this has got to be one the best CSS page's I've seen so far. The colors and all, it's done to a perfection. I just want to stay here and...highlight things! >.>
Hah, thanks. I'm having problems with the border-left property in the comment box which is bugging me and the 5 or so pixel gap between "My interests" and the member info.

Not sure if you were hinting about highlighting but you sparked an idea which is highlighting text color. I'm not even sure if that's possible to change but I'll look into it.

And the whole color code is something I learned creating websites. I forgot what it's called, but the rule is, keep it 3-5 colors. And to find colors that look good I could link you to this site: which is where I get colors sometimes if I run out of ideas.

And I was thinking of releasing a white version of this CSS for public use. But I'd have to fix the lil things that annoy me before I do that.

Regardless, your CSS is for public download regardless of whether you want it to be or not. View source is a magical thing, annoying, but magical.

As it stands, I find that the red/orange colours distract from the main text itself. But that could just be me.
And the line breaks were confusing. I thought I was reading more than one post until I finally found the comments box.
Yeah that gap did annoy me too, I didn't think it would be easy to describe to you though, lol. When I said "highlighting" I was just acting dumb.

I usually hate black backgrounds. But you used alot of non-pure forms(low saturated) of the colors which are usually more appealing to the eyes. Heh, I wouldn't mind being contacted when you make that white one.

Colors like red/orange aren't the receding type ;P. They have the longest wavelengths so they're the first things our eyes see when we look at anything (especially red). So nah, it's not only you.
Yeah. I'm not really paranoid about the CSS, just would prefer being asked before it being used but eh. I removed the line breaks. As for the text distraction. Personally I want my viewer to be drawn to the title then if their interested read on.

Hulio-G: Will do.