Seriously; if THIS were McCain's message, he would be winning. This guy obliterates liberals and explains conservatism better in 5 minutes than McCain has this entire campaign. The last minute of the rant is great!
![]() Oct 24 2008, 1:38 am
Wow, that was great.
They rich give people jobs... if they're cheap labor in other countries. Of course, I have to agree that [the] rich can't carry the burden of health care. I mean, they can't even stay in business without the rest of the US, right?
The Democrat bashing and Bush praising is an alien language with a barrier which shall never be crossed so it's probably better to ignore it... and continue watching season two of ReGenesis on Hulu. ;) This video has to be older than the YouTube post. I'm somewhat neutral on oil drilling, but it's ridiculous to act as if it's only the Democrats who think the economy is bad. Meanwhile, all politicians pander. The man in this video either has not heard of Joe the Plumber yet or is flat out lying. It's a lot of strutting around, but he comes off as just a reborn fanatic. |
This guy gave a good speech. However, there are two things that I would like to point out.
1) Lets look at why there are terrorist groups who focus on attacking America. Why do they do it? Because the United States has meddled with those nations, trying to impose its will where it doesn't belong. The solution isn't to keep imposing our presence where it doesn't belong. The solution is to impose as little as possible (just enough to stop America from being attacked), without controlling other nations. If we keep being the world police, then we will continue to be the target of terrorist organizations. Two wrongs don't make a right. 2) He ended with an insult to the democratic party saying that homeless people were still homeless. Now, could you explain how the republican party has done to give homeless people homes? The Republican party's fiscal ideals are based off of the 'trickle down' effect. Good theory, but in practice, it doesn't trickle down very far. I'm no fan of giving away freebies to people who don't deserve it, but that goes both ways. I don't care what idea you've thought of or how well you've managed a company, nobody DESERVES to have billions of dollars. Nobody deserves to make multimillions of dollars every year. Sure, they might have legitimately earned that money by doing what they do, but you can't tell me that Bill Gates, etc. deserve to have all of the money that they have. If they get taxed a little more heavily than people who are barely scraping by, so be it. |
That was simply amazing, my eyes were literally wide open from seeing that. Thanks for sharing, Silk.
Campaign manager? no. Vice President? yes. Seriously, this guy would negate the "black vote", and he isn't an empty basket with a fake(or at the very least overdone) accent.
Stupot wrote:
I don't care what idea you've thought of or how well you've managed a company, nobody DESERVES to have billions of dollars. So what is the highest dollar amount that you think anyone deserves to earn? Does me making more money suddenly entitle everyone else to a share of it? What do you believe money is? Money rests on the axiom that every man is the owner of his mind and his effort. Money allows no power to prescribe the value of your effort except the voluntary choice of the man who is willing to trade you his effort in return. Money permits you to obtain for your goods and your labor that which they are worth to the men who buy them, but no more. Money permits no deals except those to mutual benefit by the unforced judgment of the traders. - Ayn Rand Stupot wrote: Nobody deserves to make multimillions of dollars every year. Let's say that I write one movie script this year and sell it for a million dollars. A million dollars??? Yes, because movies make millions upon millions of dollars around the world, because masses of individuals like you and me will go pay $9 to see them. If my script wasn't worth a million dollars, no one would pay me that much for it. Okay. So now I have the best year in the history of writing, working my ass off and pounding out 10 scripts that I sell for a million a piece. Do I suddenly not deserve every single one of those dollars? What if I were making a billion per script? What if I were making only 100 dollars per script? The amount is irrelevant. My work will be worth whatever people are willing to pay for it. Getting paid well for a valuable service doesn't make me a bad person, just as getting paid less doesn't make me a more virtuous person... and in neither situation is anyone else entitled to a share of that success. Stupot wrote: If they get taxed a little more heavily than people who are barely scraping by, so be it. If I'm a multi-millionaire and someone breaks into my house and steals my TV, then yes, I can probably afford to buy a new one. But the fact that I can afford to buy a new one doesn't mean that anyone had the right to break in and take it from me. |
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
...and he isn't an empty basket with a fake(or at the very least overdone) accent. My bet would be that her accent is real, largely because I don't see how anyone could want to have such a annoying accent! Abel Nightroad wrote: That was simply amazing, my eyes were literally wide open from seeing that. Thanks for sharing, Silk. Glad you liked it! |
SilkWizard wrote:
Let's say that I write one movie script this year and sell it for a million dollars. A million dollars??? Yes, because movies make millions upon millions of dollars around the world, because masses of individuals like you and me will go pay $9 to see them. If my script wasn't worth a million dollars, no one would pay me that much for it. A million is fine by me. But there has to be a line. Especially with the oil industry. I'm not saying take the money away form the person, I don't think that's fair. But I do think it's fair to tax the company to the point where the CEO, or anyone in the company for that matter makes over 100 million dollars. Of course I have a serious issue with people making money at the sake of the environment anyways, but that's just a personal miff. |
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
A million is fine by me. But there has to be a line. Okay, so let's say that on average, my films gross 2 billion dollars worldwide (again, because individuals acting of their own volition buy tickets, rent DVDs, download from Xbox Live, etc.). Now when the studio asks me for another script -- which they are likely to make 2 billion dollars on -- shouldn't I have the right to charge them say... 100 million dollars? They'll be damn sure to pay it too, because they're going to eventually make a crapload more money off of the deal! Swap out the numbers in this scenario for any numbers of equal proportion, large or small. The amount is irrelevant. |
SilkWizard wrote:
Okay, so let's say that on average, my films gross 2 billion dollars worldwide (again, because individuals acting of their own volition buy tickets, rent DVDs, download from Xbox Live, etc.). I'm going to concede the point, and instead ask where the hell those taxes are going. Apparently, I'm way off target; Exxon Mobil paid more than 2 times in taxes then they made in profits(26b in taxes, compared to 10b profit). |
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
I'm going to concede the point, and instead ask where the hell those taxes are going. THAT is the a very, very good question... and I'll be the first to admit that neither presidential candidate has a good answer. |
Abel - you just did exactly what the guy who gave the speech is opposed to. You shouldn't just hear one speech from one guy and go "omg my eyes are wide open, the conspiracy is real and i believe it all without a single drop of research or thought!"
Anyways, in regards to what the guy said: I agree with him wholeheartedly on the republican bashing/mindless "being a democrat means i'm smart so i'll just go with that" thing. People should stop to think and decide for themselves what their positions are on different subjects; once you do that, feel free to take a step back and lump yourself into republican/democrat/etc according to the majority of your positions. However, he made a lot of claims that just made me go "...and where did you get this from?" He angrily bashed democrats, spouting off all sorts of stuff about Obama being a crazed socialist who will employ plans that-- because this guy can apparently see into the future-- will destroy our nation. This is not how you create an intelligent argument worth responding to. He appears to just use his "i used to be a democrat so trust me" as an instantaneous and irrefutable defense against any accusations of him being so zealously republican that he can't see over the other side of the fence. It's a shame, because his few valid points are clouded by the mudslinging and proofless claims. |
Zaole wrote:
Abel - you just did exactly what the guy who gave the speech is opposed to. You shouldn't just hear one speech from one guy and go "omg my eyes are wide open, the conspiracy is real and i believe it all without a single drop of research or thought!" Judging from Abel's most recent post, it looks like he is well aware of the facts and has been keeping track of the candidates. What I think that he really responded to (and what I definitely responded to) was the intelligence and passion of the guy in this video. Zaole wrote: He angrily bashed democrats, spouting off all sorts of stuff about Obama being a crazed socialist who will employ plans that-- because this guy can apparently see into the future-- will destroy our nation. This is not how you create an intelligent argument worth responding to. Socialism is already causing serious damage to our country, and others as well. Obama is a socialist (a crazed one at that!), and he's been very upfront about all of his socialist plans. The fact that this guy was so passionate about what he was saying was one of this video's strongest suits. I *wish* McCain would get angry and have the nerve to talk like this. |
"They rich give people jobs... if they're cheap labor in other countries."
A lot of people don't understand free trade so I'm going to try to explain it. Say an American company sets up shop in China to produce wares. They then close their American plant, resulting in a loss of American jobs. This however creates a large producer surplus, because they can create those goods for more cheaply with a base in China. American firms, then, can buy more and expand their operations - on top of this they're going to create more tax revenue. The workers who've been displaced face hardship in the short run. They however transition towards new jobs in an industry where America has a comparative advantage over China(for example China may produce McDonald's toys more cheaply but America holds better service industry companies). This allows both countries to specialize and workers to specialize, resulting in a more productive economy. A more productive economy means more money, which is better for everyone. |
I understand the theory fine, but I find it hypocritical to support that model and claim that the rich are giving the people of their country jobs at the same time.
Worldweaver wrote:
The workers who've been displaced face hardship in the short run. They however transition towards new jobs in an industry where America has a comparative advantage over China(for example China may produce McDonald's toys more cheaply but America holds better service industry companies). This allows both countries to specialize and workers to specialize, resulting in a more productive economy. You hit the nail on the head! The sooner we face the reality that we live in a global economy, the better. I'm sure that no one will be surprised that I have a great link to a short article on the subject, which partially states: "The lucrative workings of free markets do not depend upon lines drawn on a map. The economic advantages of international commerce are the same as those of interstate, intercity, and crosstown commerce." |
SilkWizard wrote:
Socialism is already causing serious damage to our country, and others as well. Obama is a socialist (a crazed one at that!), and he's been very upfront about all of his socialist plans. The moment McCain goes all impassioned "Obama is a socialist!" mode, he loses the middle and it's over. Plus, you know, Obama's not a crazed socialist. Throwing around statements like that is just as bad as all the absurd republican bashing "lolol i hate bush he sucks and mccain is more of the same". |
Zaole wrote:
Plus, you know, Obama's not a crazed socialist. Throwing around statements like that is just as bad as all the absurd republican bashing "lolol i hate bush he sucks and mccain is more of the same". Go to, read his policy proposals, then come back and tell me that he isn't a socialist. Barack Obama lives by the mantra "Each of us is his brother's keeper". Whenever he's asked a question about an issue, he has an answer the involves the government "solving" that issue for people. He has openly stated that he wants to spread the wealth around, and his voting record is consistent with that message. |
Some very poor, albeit energetic, logic. I particularly liked how he thinks drilling for more domestic oil will somehow magically affect oil prices or current domestic supply (despite the fact that any production would be 10 or so years out and be sold on the open world market where demand from nations like China and India will probably be the biggest drivers), that the insurgents in Iraq = The Terrorists, and that knowing where homeless people are should somehow fix the problem (hint, visit a shelter- now you too can magically fix the problem!). The conservatives have much better voices out there. Many don't like McCain.
McCain hasn't done a very good job explaining "conservatism" because he isn't a conservative. He has realized he can't win on the Republican ticket without them, though, and that some cons (just like some libs) are easily pandered to. Republicans have tried to cram borrow and spend candidates like Bush and McCain down America's throat for too long while demonizing Dems. Guess the gag reflex has now been triggered. Populist ideas, right or wrong, are easier to swallow right now. Ironically, if you think socialism is becoming a big problem, I think you can squarely blame the Republicans for not offering a real alternative and squandering the power they had. Instead of the smaller government they promised, they delivered the biggest spending government in history and a record debt. Fiscal conservatives were nowhere to be seen. We'll see if the Republicans learn their lesson. If the Repubs could get away from split issues and cultural warfare and get back to fiscal sensibility, they might have something. What the Republicans really need to be afraid of is a successful Obama presidency which could set them out of national majority for about a decade. Failure to recognize the enormity of our financial crisis is a big failing for many Repubs. Repeating "the economy isn't bad" while the stock market plunges and unemployment climbs is amazingly stupid and didn't work for Hoover. OTOH pushing expensive, poorly thought out spending plans won't help either. Here may be a chance for financial conservatives to regain some voice in the party. We'll see. |