I'm ineligible to vote.
Soldierman wrote:
Actually I was talking about Pre-Gulf War levels of troop which was set during peace time,so you make no sense. Also you think Bush administration was the only one who wanted to attacked Iraq again? Well then you would be wrong.


http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1998/12/16/ transcripts/clinton.html

Bill Clintion transcript highlight:
Heavy as they are, the costs of action must be weighed against the price of inaction. If Saddam defies the world and we fail to respond, we will face a far greater threat in the future. Saddam will strike again at his neighbors. He will make war on his own people.

And mark my words, he will develop weapons of mass destruction. He will deploy them, and he will use them.

Because we're acting today, it is less likely that we will face these dangers in the future.

Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said anything about the Bush Administration being the only ones wanting to take Saddam out, and I'm fully aware Clinton wanted to attack Iraq as well.
Tiberath wrote:
I'm ineligible to vote.

Are you a non-American, or a convict...or both?
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
Tiberath wrote:
I'm ineligible to vote.

Are you a non-American, or a convict...or both?

He's Aussie.
Mobius says:

"We killed the crazy and his bastard spawn, so now we can pack up and leave them to their own devices instead of stuffing what we think is best for them down their throats."

We did that before, and we ended up with Hitler.
CodingSkillz2 wrote:

He's Aussie.

So, he's both then(or at least the descendant of one).
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
CodingSkillz2 wrote:

He's Aussie.

So, he's both then(or at least the descendant of one).

lalala stereotype lalala.

Because stereotypes are fun! All black people carry weapons! All Asian people have small penis'! All americans are absolute dumbasses! All Australians are criminals! All New Zealanders fuck sheep and last but not least, all British people are snobby, upper class, tea drinking, biscuit dipping wankers!

See! I can do it too!

Needless stereotype racism aside (sorry cultures, you know I don't mean it!)

Please don't stereotype. It's not cool. Many descendants of Australia did come here by choice, just so you know.
Leaving Iraq to it's own devices now would probably be a pretty bad idea.

Fact is, we all walked in there and fucked their shit up. Leaving them now would probably put them into a state of chaos.

As much as I hate to say it, the military presence is necessary now. It's too late to turn around and walk out. But still, the military presence need not be huge. Just enough to see order is restored. Once order is restored, government re-established and destroyed homes rebuilt. Then we can leave.
Tiberath wrote:
lalala stereotype lalala.

Because stereotypes are fun! All black people carry weapons! All Asian people have small penis'! All americans are absolute dumbasses! All Australians are criminals! All New Zealanders fuck sheep and last but not least, all British people are snobby, upper class, tea drinking, biscuit dipping wankers!

Lol, is there any reason you didn't capitalize "Americans"? Stereotypes are fun, by the way.
There is, if you'll look, I very rarely if at all capitalise the word 'america' or 'americans'. The US gets a capitals because otherwise people would think I'm saying "us", when I'm not. I suppose I could say it u.s. but still, that's harder to grasp.
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