I'm not one to say, "OMFG LOOK WE IZ GONNA BE DA BEEST GAEM ON DE BYONDZ OLOLOLOL LETS PARTEH TONITE!!" When in reality I still have much to code in..

We're getting there, though. I have officially stepped up the progression ladder and I've made quite the things.

-Combat System
-Environmental Details
-Other minor and unnoticable things

I tried my hands at making a complex inventory system, but I don't know enough of 4.0 to actually make it work. Here are some screenshots to see.

(In the middle of the forest, doing nothing.)

(Standing next to a river.)

(Napping, somewhere.)

In case you haven't noticed, the blue orb thingies from these screenshots and the last screenshots are light sources. Yes, I know, I'm cheesy. But, please post feedback, comments, tips, and anything else in the comments.

Make the light sources invisible/have no icon. Blue splotches on the map is eww.
I actually thought the blue things were flutz (flutzes?) being attracted to the water.
Your lighting system looks nice but your graphics are an eye sore.
Bleh, tired of seeing this shadows system thats badly blended. We want content! Or something that looks decent, filler graphics with badly blended shadows = instant fail.

Content! Content!!!!!!
I personally like the graphics, and the lighting system is good enough.
The graphics are dull, and boring. And there's no such thing as good enough, don't use a library for something so standard, make your own so you can better make it more realistic. The changing squares on screen is highly annoying.