I've been spending some time fumbling with the CSS so far, it looks fairly better than before (my oppinion of course). Also, if you think something looks out-of-place, just send a comment.

In the mean time, if you want to play some Halo 2 (if I'm on, that is), add this
GamerTag: Terranwolf

P.S. I know, I know. The title text color looks a little fun-kay, but I have run out of time for today's work. Time for bed.
Looking good! What program did you use to create the blog icon?

Just a suggestion: Have you tried making the titles of boxes black instead of white? I think that might look cool. Then again, I could be wrong. =)
Gug- I used Adobe Photoshop 6. I hope you guys like it. :)

I'll try and make it black.
Black didn't look much better, so I tried
color: #616161
and it looks good (I guess).
Oh, and Gug. If you want me to show you how to do that, I'll gladly help.