With my friend taking over the lore of siege online, I have decided to think about one major aspect of the game, which of course is instances. With instances we hope to make a nice little script experience for players. Not as epic as a World of Warcraft instance, but at least fun to the point it was worth it to get said special armor or weapon. Right now we are designing a 5 man and a 10 man for a alpha test, this will help us tweek and adjust what we need. It will also give players a chance to come try out what we are working so hard on.
But instances is not the only thing we are working on right now. We designed a dozen little quests for the alpha we will be having, and hundreds more after. Having the quest in alpha will show you the chain of which we are building the lore/ story line of the game. It will teach you about our little world. Story lines for each of the factions will be different, and each factions quests should be different. It will not be "please help me find my cat, he is lost and i don't know what to do **wimper**" you go out to find her cat, but run into a quest boss. We also decided that some instances will require story quest attunements, to get in a main instance it will require a story line quest to be finished. Normal quests will be marked as green question marks while story quest will contain red question marks.
This is not a whole team of people working on a full game, we have not begun to look for staff. This is just me and a friend trying to scratch this itch, the itch of designing something around this world we came up with. We are in the process of trying to upload all the pages for a e-book, so if you would like to read the story of world of siege then I will post a link to a free copy sometime in the near future.
On a more serious note, the game will be totally free with BYOND members getting some exclusive content.
Now there is one more thing i wanted to talk about. We will be cutting the max level from 90 to 50, This is so we can think about having more story line quest with out having a bunch of *poopie* side quests. We are also thinking about. With the max level lowered it will also take us less time to get the story quests and boss lore weapon and armor lores done faster. Now this doesn't mean we are rushing it we just want to try get out of the concept stage and into the development stage.
I will also post the alpha 10 and 5 man instance layout, a little later or tomorrow even when we finish it. It will be a rough layout just done on ms paint with only some colors showing sub bosses and boss placements.
Now on to some other things I need to address lag issues will ultimately arise, and with scripted bosses does not seemed to look good for players.so we will try work a way around this, because it will break the experience we are trying to make for players. Another one will be in game admins.
There will be admin positions open but with that we will not be hiring people just outta the blue with no experience and abusive attitudes.
Maybe next time I will have more info for people.
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