
Poll: If I made a game where you threw Bibles at people, would you be pissed off?

Yes, I would hate you and constantly flame you. 13% (6)
Not in the least 23% (11)
I would find it hilarious 45% (21)
You, sir, are a troll 17% (8)

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It may be out soon if I get more free time.
Didn't you get the memo? Making fun of the Bible is fair game these days; just don't even THINK about poking fun at the Koran!
That is so not a parody.

Nope, not at all.
Merciless Warrior wrote:
That is so not a parody.

Nope, not at all.

Keep working on that strategy game. :(
Vexonater wrote:
Merciless Warrior wrote:
That is so not a parody.

Nope, not at all.

Keep working on that strategy game. :(

Actually, I was going to turn it into a side-scrolling fighting game where Jesus learns Kung fu and goes around beating up pagans, but nevermind.

It'd be fine,
Christians basically do it anyways. I don't see how they could get so pissy.
As a Christian, I can say that no one would care as long as you don't say f*** Jesus or something, and even then I personally still wouldn't care cuz that's just your opinion...0_0
Anyone who would constantly fame you for doing something like that is an idiot, and shouldn't have the right to breathe. You're free to express your opinions within the bounds of the community you're in. As such, there aren't any rules about a game like that. Unless you throw pornography in there for good show, then there might be a problem. But even then, all you have to do is not make a hub entry. IIRC, BYOND can't police and generally doesn't care if you make a game like that, and keep it off the hub.

I wouldn't call it funny. Throwing a book at someone isn't funny, regardless of what book it is.

Calling you a troll for making this kind of game is also bogus. You're not actually trolling. I mean hell, you're a troll for making a game about throwing a bible? You might as well just say it's a dictionary, problem solved.

My vote lays on "Not in the least". I don't care if you make such a game, so obviously I'm not going to be pissed off.


Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
As a Christian, I can say that no one would care as long as you don't say f*** Jesus or something, and even then I personally still wouldn't care cuz that's just your opinion...0_0

You're mistaken, people would care. If I was to go to my blog right now, and say: "Fuck Jesus". I'd get loud cheers from one side, and unbelievably hard to read text which I can only assume is hate and flames from the other side. And probably a few swift kicks to the behind from my own peers for doing something so outright stupid.

(Have you ever noticed that in this community, whenever someone has negative things to say about someone else, (well, generally invalid negative things at least...) they almost always have no concept of spelling or grammar. It's like they're so enraged by someone saying something (which is generally inoffensive anyway) that any and all concept of them goes out the window for the duration of the reply. That's not to say everyone does it. A few manage to retain their ability to use the English language. Perhaps everyone else who doesn't fall into that category just has a limited knowledge on the subject, who can say? Anyway, I'm rambling.)

A lot of people in this community are over opinionated. I'm one of them. The difference between me and the easily offended idiots all over the internet is: I'm not ignorant enough to think my opinion is the one truth and it can not be argued (that's not intended as a kick to religion either, people also think that about all opinions).

So in essence, Vex will cop-heat from a move such as this. But nothing serious enough to gain any real attention. And even if it does gain enough negative attention, that just gives me a reason to rant on people who get offended far too easily. Yay.


One condition Vex, it better be fun!
I don't know why anybody would flame you for a command that lets you throw books.
Armiris wrote:
I don't know why anybody would flame you for a command that lets you throw books.

Fanatic book-lovers?
Lol, I don't think people will flame you for a game where a Pastor throws books.
But if he starts throwing little kids then that's a different story!
P.S. That will be an awesome arsenal upgrade!
Grenades that just look like little kids.
Armiris wrote:
Grenades that just look like little kids.

If we're going for heartless:

Find a kid object, find a grenade object. Pull the pin, shove the grenade down the kids throat, THEN hurl the kid into oncoming traffic, watching him explode and chaos set in.

Extra points if you infect the kid with some kind of virus that will become airborne after he explodes and his entrails go everywhere.

Wow... that was dark, even for me...