Ok on the note of my post before this one. I said the staff was lazy and went at it rather hard. An got points of view from many people and lots of people adding there own comments.
So let me go and define this a bit more im not going all out saying the staff does nothing however the point I was making is that stuff like this could be avoided rather easy with a few extra hands. I myself would work for free to help mod byond if offered. However there are no attempts to even do that now I can understand them being busy but there are people that have been on byond from as far back as when it started that still help out today...
They could just as easy put someone like that in charge of staffing a group that mods the site for free. An you cant sit here and tell me its not done almost every last game on byond has atleast one other Admin that didnt even help make the game and works for free. I can name a few million forums that have mods that work for free so why cant byond attempt something like that.
It is true that they have better things to do with there time but this no hands on for a service people pay for really doesnt go down to well... BYOND has a lot of retards that dont pay for the service but dont have any trouble running around abusing the service people DO pay for an what makes it worse is they dont even get a slap on the hand.
Now I could understand if there was some kind of system to give them a slap on the hand but as it stands you only get banned from a hub that someone else pays for that you dont really even plan on coming back to. That is like running around a gay forum calling everyone fags an then crying the next day because you were banned from a forum you use all the time... Like hello who in there right mind would run into some place act like a retard so they get banned from it only because they plan on coming back....
Something needs to be done so that people that abuse the system other people pay for get into some sort of trouble. Maybe a report system where it checks for words repeating more then three times or lots of cursing and if you report it they auto get banned from the byond website for 24 hours or something!
As it stands this retard that spammed my hub gets away with it an just doesnt get to come back woooh so scary. I wish real life worked that way I could go rob a bank for a few billion and then not get into any trouble and just be totally banned from going inside that bank woooh.. I think I can sleep with that.
Give me a break and all you people that are running around yelling thats not right just use the options they gave you to delete it an be done with it. I could do that but its not the point the guy still gets off free without even a slap on the hand all he gets is a ban from a hub he didnt even plan on coming back to like wtf is that.
Edit (Link to post before): http://www.byond.com/members/ Ac19189?command=view_post&post=45880
Like I said before, just ban him from your blog :P. If he does it to other blogs, they could just ban him, too; it really comes down to individuals getting together and pwning him.
Really, just mod your own blog. I typically only remove the especially annoying spammers/noobs/profanity users from my blog. |
Lummox JR wrote:
I have to be honest: I still have no clue what you're on about. Your explanation of the situation is about as clear as mud, especially when you keep saying this guy spammed a "hub" when apparently he just posted a few spam comments to your blog. It's not like we're going to ban anyone from all of BYOND--no matter how virulently stupid they may be--based on actions they took on one single blog. If he's a serial comment spammer who attacks many blogs then maybe, but that's not the case here as far as I'm aware. Eh well Nova doesn't tend to words things very well, but he's more concerned about the way things are handled than he is about the actual incident. If you want a better idea of what this is all about, you should read the blog post I made about the issue. (http://www.byond.com/members/?command=view_post&post=45872) Although I'm surprised debates about this are still going on. I thought it would have kind of died out by now. Anyway, you have the link so it's up to you what you do now... |
BYOND Staff are pretty active when it comes to hiding posts like this one from the front page.
They have banned serious offenders in the past, but if someone spams your game, and constantly comes back, that's your own fault, and not anyone elses. There are several systems you can add to both prevent and probably even stop the things you complain about completely. You can code in a message-limiting, IP Ban system, Key ban system, Mute them...I mean..All of these are demos anyway. TL;DR Don't blame the staff because you can't manage your own blog/game. |
Is there more going on than just that? If not it seems like a very great deal of bile to be spewing for the sake of one stupid comment spammer.