by Deadron
A complete little game with lots of comments explaining exactly how everything works. A great starting point for your own game.
Keywords: beginner, demo, tutorial
The original all-purpose BYOND demo, already given a code overhaul a few years ago, has now been updated by TheMonkeyDidIt with some classy new graphics! The difference is rather dramatic:

(Note: If you already have the earlier version downloaded, you may have to choose Update in the pager to get the new version.)

If you are new to BYOND, or an old-timer who could use a refresher course, this is a great place to start. The project was specifically designed as an example of how to build a game with BYOND. I studied it closely myself back in the day, and now I'm rich as Midas! (I'm still here hanging out at BYOND, so that's richness of a sort. The sort of richness that feasts on ramen noodles and egg sandwiches.)

TheMonkeyDidIt also has a bonus gift for you: "anyone and everyone is free to use the icons in there for their own projects (if they have use for a dancing rat or a burping door :))." If you can't find a use for a burping door in a game, I think maybe you'd be more at home at a COBOL programming site, my overweeningly couth friend.
Wow, that's a huge improvement when it comes to icons!

EDIT: You should mention the skin upgrades, too.
Lol. Sweet.
Yes, the icons are a huge improvement, it looks very professional now. I wish BYOND had more games like this, since I think it could make some novel puzzle/adventure games this way.

Maybe we should have a contest for people to create adventure games with BYOND?
Foomer wrote:
Maybe we should have a contest for people to create adventure games with BYOND?

Define "adventure games" if you will. Thanks.
....purple smurfs.....
Dice1989 wrote:
Define "adventure games" if you will. Thanks.

A game where you explore the world while solving puzzles along a set narrative.

It's a little more advanced than "hit pbag, gain X pl."
SuperAntx wrote:
It's a little more advanced than "hit pbag, gain X pl."

Isn't almost everything? I couldn't tell from your post, but was that a dig at the repetitive dbz games or me personally?

I agree though, there should be more adventure games on Byond.
I have to apologize to TheMonkeyDidIt -- for various legitimate and illegitimate reasons, I let his excellent work stagnate for a long time before getting it up -- the new stuff is all his and he deserves all the credit.
That dude really knows how to make some eye candy.
I think you can safely remove the little statement at the beginning which states:

"We're interested in improving the graphics for this game, if you have some artistic talent and would be willing to contribute, email [email protected]!"

I'd also like to point out that I think the background music and ambient sound effects (fountain room) are used to great effect!
Wow, this is really cool; what a great way to introduce people to DM!
Beautiful! Very well done!

It is a great introduction to BYOND.
Foomer wrote:
I think you can safely remove the little statement at the beginning which states:

"We're interested in improving the graphics for this game, if you have some artistic talent and would be willing to contribute, email [email protected]!"

I dunno -- we wanna keep the monkey guy on his toes...:)

the graphic will be like all the others and all the others I refer to the goa
Don't use your first world and run it.
Every time I compile and run or clean compile and run, the pools room is all screwed up, and the final "paradise" room is too. The arches I walk over... XD

Not sure what's going on or if it's a Windows 7 thing.

Please help.

Note: I did download it twice to replace the one that I thought was bad, but it did not help.
Looks like the demo was never updated. Just add the following line and recompile.

thx SuperAntx. I will