Okay, woah. You've got shading? Pff. Show off.
In response to King-manga-man
King-manga-man wrote:
Egor, i think this post is more than definatly not serious, i think tim was just trying to have fun with his art not actually improve, give him a break.

Actually it looked so fun i decided to ditch my drawing hand and i did this with my left :P


I wanted to chip in :P

I know i know, i but he wrote

"Ahh i'm kidding, I know im not great 0.0 hell i cant even shade lol, I was a little bored, and everything i draw is another step to getting better at pixel art? somehow, maybe"

so i thought linking that book shouldnt hurt anybody, and someone maybe will find it useful


Thanks Jonaz, Thanks Egor, I'll take a look at it :) i do need some guidance on anatomy to be honest!
I think a certain dragon needs mentioning that can rape all others..

I can't see it mecha, your drop box file isn't working for me.!
should show up now
Lmaoo epic
You forgot. Dragons have penises.

Ah damn i forgot Avainer, well mines in clothes so it's all fine!
not really trogdor anymore
Sorry i cant compete with your amazing art as you know.

I will combat any picture with my own version! and i have no idea about this Trogdor!
In response to Teka123
Teka123 wrote:
and i have no idea about this Trogdor!

I apologies for my ignorance on Trogdor.

I'm going to have to try and Wobble that jabber.
Yut Put wrote:

Lol here's my jabba.

Don't think it turned out to bad, meh im a fail copy artist. lol
*Googles an image and posts his name in it and says to all, "I win."*

I would draw but apparently online classes ruin your day 6/7 of the times. And then that 1 day you are busy all day. :o..
Yut Put, polish it :O Really nice base for even nicer pixel-art :P
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