I Have Been Real Sick Lately So I Have Been Thinking About Leaving Coliseum In Some One's Else Hands The I Can Trust.
Your Sick Yet You Can Focus Enough On Capping Every Damn Word.
Drakiel wrote:
Your Sick Yet You Can Focus Enough On Capping Every Damn Word.

Dat'z Cuz Reel Men Delete Postz Nd Captalze Evrythin.
Don't trust your mis-spelt game in the hands of another? So, you're sick? Wait a week or two, lol.
Soki, i could take care of Coliseum
on the collisiam game people kept baning me and i dont now y
Lol i want to play your game >.< and ive never played it so what is a Coliseum and how does this person help people.