![]() Aug 27 2010, 6:38 pm
unban me i was banned 2 days i dident do nothing
The game "bleach unleashed bankai" is great... I have a website with sprites and things that i hav found that you could use for future games or to add on your exisiting games... link: http://sdb.drshnaps.com/index.php if there is game sprites you want just search the title of the game or if its just one player/npc that you want sprites for just search that player's name. Hope you create more good games... Ro5490 |
I want a free 24/7 host, for my game add me at [email protected]
Hey I just joined bleach unleashed bankai today because I thought it might be fun to play.
We were having a conversation in ooc about war ect before J muted the world to silence anyone with an opinion that differed from his (other than groovy) and continued rambling on his own uncontested. I was being polite in chat and not breaking any of the rules but J was insulting and being abusive with his power. When people get banned just for trying to have a polite conversation it's time to find a new game. I like this game from what I have seen of it but I don't care to play any game with such rampant power abuse. The guy actually says: "elreka talk again and your banned your a retard" So I bit my tongue while he rambled on. Then later after the world chat finally came back on all I said was: "j = good example of too much power going to the head" At which point he proved my point by banning me simply for saying that. I probably could have just said nothing but if it is so easy to get banned I would rather be banned now than after actually getting more into the game. I just find it a bit funny that he was the one being vulgar and abusive and I get banned just for trying to speak. This is all that was said: -(Elements)(Vaizard)Corey: Josh ur in the Army? -J would like to announce: yea duh -()(Human)Elreka: bad time to be in the army x,x -J would like to announce: im in fort lewis washington right now -Elements)(Vaizard)Corey: ooh -()(Human)Elreka: with ww3 staring us in the face -J would like to announce: and no its not i joined full well knowing whats goiing on -()(Human)Elreka: jus cause you know whats goin on dont mean its a good time to be in the army :p -J would like to announce: i think its the best time to be in the army -(Final Getsugas)(Sukoshi)(Vaizard)Sukoshi Bugnatti: we were in peace -J would like to announce: why else would you join other than to protect the country you love -J would like to announce: now shhh i dont want to hear crap from a minor -()(Human)Elreka: maybe if world war and possibly getting nuked floats your boat -()(Human)Elreka: im 22 btw -J would like to announce: yes yes im sure you are -(Elements)(Vaizard)Corey: Josh what do u get when ur at the store do u have like a freebie card -()(Human)Elreka: O.o -()(Human)Elreka: was born in 88 -(Rhythmic Riveting Risque Risky Pirates)(Vaizard)Groovy Pirate: J, with all due respect, with what's going on over there, how exactly is that protecting the US? -(Elements)(Vaizard)Corey: cuz my uncle got a government card n he gets everything n dnt pay for it -J would like to announce: haha no but at some places i get a discount when i show my ID -(Rhythmic Riveting Risque Risky Pirates)(Vaizard)Groovy Pirate: We're merely interfering with something that isn't our business. -(Rhythmic Riveting Risque Risky Pirates)(Vaizard)Groovy Pirate: @_@ -J would like to announce: holy fuck -()(Human)Elreka: yea were starting too much crud near 2012 -J would like to announce:ok groovy you wanta get into this -(Rhythmic Riveting Risque Risky Pirates)(Vaizard)Groovy Pirate: I joined this late, so I might have missed something. -(Rhythmic Riveting Risque Risky Pirates)(Vaizard)Groovy Pirate: This convo, that is. -J would like to announce: here grovy -Rhythmic Riveting Risque Risky Pirates)(Vaizard)Groovy Pirate: O _ o Groovy Pirate has been given level 1 GM powers by J! Groovy Pirate has been given level 2 GM powers by J! -(Final Getsugas)(Inoue)Inoue Lunar: T-T -(Elements)(Vaizard)Corey: whoa -J would like to announce: now you can announce -(Rhythmic Riveting Risque Risky Pirates)(Vaizard)(Enforcer)Groovy Pirate: o _ O -(Elements)(Vaizard)Corey: groovy u so lucky -()(Human)Elreka: ever heard of self fullfilling prophecy? -(Rhythmic Riveting Risque Risky Pirates)(Vaizard)(Enforcer)Groovy Pirate: Why would I need to announce? =o -J would like to announce: i swaer you do anything other than announce for the sake of this convo your banned -J would like to announce: cuz im doin this GM Info: J mutes the world! J unmuted Announce! -J would like to announce: ok talk to me -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: I see. -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: *talks* -J would like to announce: what are you saying now? -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: I might have said something off-topic, for I missed the main topic of discussion. -J would like to announce: no i am fully interested in what you were saying -You whisper to J: why mute the world? -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: Are you upset with what I said? = o -J would like to announce: no im curious how you plan on backing up what you said -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: I was refering to how we're interfering with the problems of others. -J would like to announce: with others? -J would like to announce: explain -J would like to announce: well? -You whisper to J: its kinda hard to speak with the world muted :p guess you don't like having other ppl try to converse with ya or sumthing -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: The Middle East, what-not. We are getting involved with conflict we shouldn't be in. -J would like to announce: like what Groovy Pirate would like to announce: Sorry for the delayed response. -You whisper to J: just silence what you dont want to hear -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: Like what? I'm refering to the casualties over in the Middle East, when we shouldn't be over there to begin with. -J would like to announce: what the fuck -J would like to announce: why shouldnt we be there -You whisper to J: why SHOULD we be there? -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: Their problems aren't our busniess, in my opinion atleast. -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: business* -J would like to announce: we started operation OEF because of 9/11 -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: Yes. -You whisper to J: 9/11 was inside job >,> -J would like to announce: and then iraq got involved so we started operation OIF in 2004 -J would like to announce: elreka talk again and your banned your a retard -J would like to announce: we are there for many reasons -J would like to announce: number 1 we were there to over throw sadam -J would like to announce: because he has caused way to much shit even back in 1990 -J would like to announce: 2 we were there to try and stop the terrorist organizations -J would like to announce: 3 we were there to try and stop the conflict in iraq between the people and set up a democracy -J would like to announce: 4 we are there to try and stop iran from fighting with isreal -J would like to announce: 5 we are there to preserve our trade with the middle east for oil -J would like to announce: wich one are we not supposed to be doing agian? -Groovy Pirate would like to announce: Nevermind. Sorry, it seems I spoke without quite thinking through it. @_@ -J would like to announce: Really seems quite frequent among this converstion and this damn game Groovy Pirate has his GM powers forcefully taken away by J! Then OOC gets turned back on and ppl start talking about offtopic stuff for a few minutes. ()(Human)Elreka: j = good example of too much power going to the head GM Info: Elreka has been banned by J.(IP) Connection failed. |