In 1-2 weeks I MIGHT be ready to release a short demo for a game I am working on, it is a online RPG.
Before I release it, what sort of things do you want to see in it?
I redesigned all the classes, they are as follows.
Melee classes
Warrior - Flexible fighters, capable of being effective damage dealers, tanks and leaders in combat.
Class Features: Generate +25% aggro, all equipment is 10% more effective (provides 10% more attack, defence and so on)
Samurai - High damage dealer class, make use of a lot of self buffs and quick, lethal attacks.
Class Feature: The more they make use of a weapon the more they become skilled with it, increasing it's damage and accuracy (bonus is lost if the weapon is unequipped).
Crusader - Tank type warrior. Make use of a lot of defensive abilities but are lacking in major offence (use shield as an offensive weapon most of the time).
Class Features: Generate +50% aggro, shields provide +20% defence when worn.
Rogue Classes
Rogue - Debuffers and annoyance class. Make use of various dirty tricks to weaken and annoy enemies in combat.
Class Features: Generate -20% aggro, +20% evasion rate.
Assassin - Stealth class that makes use of high damage but single use attacks and poison. They are the sort of class that will turn invisible (but cannot be used while in sight), sneak up behind you and slit your throat with a poison covered weapon. Killing you almost instantly.
Class Features: Generate -10% aggro, +5% critical hit chance and +50% critical hit damage.
Hunter - Make use of long ranged bow attacks and traps to disable people so they can be taken down from a safe distance.
Class Features: Damage and accuracy is increased by 4% per tile away from the enemy. (More damage/accuracy at longer range, maximum view range allows for about +48% damage/accuracy)
Mage classes
Wizard - Make use of a lot of magical effects that are not purely offensive. They are in particular excellent anti-magic spell casters.
Class Features: All abilities use 30% less Mp.
Elementalist - Make use of fire, lightning and ice to deal major damage, but lack in a lot of utility like a Wizard.
Class Features: Start with an innate resistance to fire, lightning and ice damage that increases with level. All elemental type creatures are also neutral to Elementalists.
Necromancer - An offensive spellcaster, they are good debuffers and can control and manipulate undead minions (summoned from the corpses of any slain creatures). Though not as offensive as an elementalist a lot of their abilities have secondary uses.
Class Features: Start with an innate resistance to undeath magic as well as all status effects, resistances increase with level.
Cleric - Healer class through and through, they provide the best heals around and good support to boot. Lack any major offence except against the undead.
Class Features: Healing abilities are 20% more effective, and any damage a healing spell does to undead creatures is doubled (normally damage done from healing spells to undead is halfed).
Monk - A class capable of minor support, they are more of front line fighters that are capable of also providing extra support in an emergency situation.
Class Features: Attack, defence, accuracy and evasion rates are also increased by the Wis stat (but half as effective). Also recieve a small bonus to attack and defence depending on level. But cannot equip any weapons or body armor/shields.
Bard - Major support class. They are decent healers, but not compared to a Cleric, on the other hand they provide a wide variety of party buffs for different situations.
Class Feature: Any spells cast by them that have a duration have a +30% duration.
Paladin - Paladins are a warrior like class, but are capable of support and healing. However, they are the sort of class that must be stuck combat to get the most out of their support abilities.
Class Features: Generate +25% aggro, Deal bonus damage to undead, demons and dragons.
War Mage - Spellcasters that are also capable fighters. They make use of magic to bolster themselves in combat and cause mass havoc. (They don't shoot out fireballs, they enchant their sword to shoot out fireballs when it is swung instead)
Class Feature: Use of heavy armor and shields does not hamper spellcasting abilities.
Druid - Hybrid spellcaster type class. They make use of nature magic for various purposes. They can use it offensively and to disable enemies, but at the same time they can also use it to heal and support allies.
Class Feature: At level 1 can pick an animal ally which will level up with the Druid.
I want at least 1 class from each of those catagories included in the demo.
At the moment I have nearly finished the Necromancer class. I just have to add any passive abilities they get and that will be them finished. (Depending on the complexity of the class, it takes maybe half a day to a full day to add a class).
Which other classes do you think I should work on?
I also want there to be a decent amount of playable content for the game.
I intend on adding the starting town, surrounding area and a few low level (and one or two mid level) dungeons.
At the moment I have the town (minus insides of buildings), have one surrounding map (maps are fairly big however, 200x200 is standard size).
I have a few dungeons at the moment and am going to add more.
The dungeons are..
Inn Basement. Not too complex of a dungeon, the lowest level dungeon full of rats basically. The quest for this dungeon is KILL SOME RATS.
The Boss is a giant mutated rat.
Passageway. A small cave dungeon, again very low level (2-5). Full of rats, bats and the occasional slime. This cave is more of a passageway to a much harder dungeon than anything.
It's boss is the angry zombie of the local town drunk who was brutally gooed to death one night.
I intend on adding some Sewers too. This will be a dungeon with multiple areas with multiple difficulties.
The first (low level) area will be full of sewer p.. goo. With the boss being a giant goo.
The second (right wing) is a slightly higher level, and is being used as a hideout for various scumbags and criminals. The boss(es) here will be an insane murderer and a bandit leader.
The left wing will be mostly collapsed, but act as an enterance to a much harder underground temple dungeon which wont be added yet.
There is a medium level temple behind the church (inside of a cave). It houses a bunch of undead enemies (zombies, skeletons, vampire bats) and has 3 bosses.
An angry zombie of someone who was wrongfully killed in life, a guardian skeleton placed by the church to stop intruders from getting to far into the cave. And an ancient, sealed vampire (the reason the cave was sealed). He is drastically weakened due to having been sealed for hundreds of years. (After fighting him he will escape thanks to your intruding, and he will be the boss in a much harder dungeon in his much more powerful form).
I am also working on a type of boss rush dungeon. It is after the passageway, and use to be the workshop of a mad golem creator.
You have to beat several bosses to unlock the next stage, which will have more powerful bosses, repeat this several times till you fight the ultimate golem. (First 2 golems are level 20, next to level 25, next level 30, next 3 level 38, next 2 level 46, final golem level 60, all are considered boss monsters).
At the moment those are the dungeons that are either in the game, or half finished. As you can see, there is only really 3 low level dungeons.
What other sort of low level dungeons do you think would be good to add to the game? (As you can probably tell, this game is not very serious, with a giant rat, the town drunk and a pile of animated fecal matter all being bosses. So go wild with those ideas!)
Also, one final question that is BOGGLING MY MIND.
It is a balancing issue.
First I will explain how skills work and how you learn them.
They all have tiers and levels. A tier is roughly how strong the skill is, a level is the currently mastered level of it.
To learn a skill of a certain tier you need to be a certain level. Tier 1 is level 1, Tier 2 is level 8, Tier 3 level 16, Tier 4 level 24, Tier 5 level 32, Tier 6 level 40.
There is 4 skills per tier, and each skill has 5 levels. You gain 1 point to spend on a skill every time you level up, and as skill levels increase they exponentially grow in power.
The first Necromancer skill is Infestation, it deals 60 damage over 15s at level 1, this is fine provided at this stage in the game enemies will have 80-120 Hp. As this skill levels up it deals 160 damage, then 360, then 660, then 1060 damage.
The reason for this is that I don't want skills to become inferior and useless as a character levels up, Infestation will always be a solid damage dealing spell no matter what level you are.
At the moment to try and add balance and not be running around with level 5 Infestation which will kill everything in one hit at level 5 you have to be a certain level to learn certain levels of skills.
If a skill is tier 1 then you need to be level 1 to learn it at level 1, level 4 for level 2, level 7 for level 3, level 10 for level 4 and level 13 for level 5.
At level 13 enemies will have around 1200 Hp, Infestation wont kill them in 1 hit, but it will in 2, but this is too strong (provided at this point you will have 1-2 other damage dealing spells, the fight will last basically 3-4 seconds).
The second problem is that after level 13 Infestation just stops getting more powerful, it's entire growth is crammed into a small part of the characters entire growth.
Can anyone think of a balanced way where a skills full growth and potential is not met and reached in a short time, but at the same time characters are not going long periods of time (more than 2 levels) without having access to new skills to learn.
The way I am thinking at the moment is similar to World of Warcraft, only with a limit on the skills you can learn.
An example is you might be able to learn/improve Infestation at levels 1, 4, 10, 18, 28, which is a much more balanced growth rate.
Obviously skills would take 1 skill point to learn/level up still.
Skills would also not have tiers, the tier 3 skill Brittle Bones might simply be learned at level 8, 14, 22, 32, 44 instead of initially at level 16 (then 19, 22, 25, 28).
On the upside this method of doing things gives me much more flexibility in deciding roughly how powerful someone should be at a certain level.
On the downside it would not be feasable to have skill trees. To learn Rotting Flesh you need Infestation level 3 or something like this would not be possible using this method.
This is a problem because it would make it possible for people to pick and match any skills they wanted without any set builds. An undead summoning Necromancer currently has to specialize in summoning undead to get powerful at it, and sacrifices in other areas, but with this method they can pick the most powerful undead summoning skill and still be good in other areas.
Anyone got any ideas on this? On how to make learning skills at a moderate rate, but balanced and include skill tress as such (or at least you cannot pick the best of every type of skill but must specialize in a single area to be good at it).
That is all for now!
![]() Sep 27 2008, 11:33 am