Keywords: random_links
Very interesting change of approach from Microsoft, and waaaaay better than the embarrassing "Mojave Experiment" campaign. Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates become best friends in an ad campaign about nothing.

I'm not really sure where they're going with it, but if they're smart then they ought to cram it with as much Bill Gates as possible, because he has the potential to be hilarious.

The writing leaves a lot to be desired in these first two ads. If you're going to parody the tone and humor of the Seinfeld series, why not have Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David write the damn things?

That said, I'm entertained/intrigued enough to keep watching.

First Ad:

Second Ad:

"Are there any monsters in the story?"
"Yes, but it's okay, there's a firewall."

Seems pretty lame... did they really meant those to be ads?
The point of the adverts are largely a matter of association with Microsoft and 'real people', and to demonstrate that Bill Gates (and consequently Microsoft) is a real person, with a vague sense of humour too. Essentially such that you'd be comfortable with the notion that Bill is the sort've person you might meet in a shoe store.

It's not all over the top, or specifically trying to get a lot of laughs out of you.

I quite liked the photo reference in the first advert.
The Ads are pretty cool. Mac ads have some sort of humor to the flaw that windows has but oh well XD.
bill gates and jerry are the best. the best!
Had no idea they were friends o.0
They should have done Larry David.
I still don't see the message we're supposed to get other than its related to Microsoft and that Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld are friends :O
Nevertheless, the Microsoft officials who phoned reporters Friday said it is indeed a campaign to brand Windows, “the start of a conversation … easily the largest marketing campaign we’ve ever had.” Microsoft plans to hire 155 “gurus” by the end of the year to work in Circuit City, Best Buy and other retailers to help customers pick out PCs, said Eric Hollreiser of Microsoft - presumably the way Seinfeld helped Gates pick out shoes. Microsoft is also working with PC manufacturers to deliver “a compelling Windows experience” - to study how long it takes, for example, for Windows to start up and shut down. Mobile phones and Microsoft’s Web site are also part of the plan. Hollreiser said Microsoft will do “a terrific job of delivering consumer information.”
I like them. They're pretty funny.
That first one makes no sense. I didn't even realise it was for Windows/Microsoft until the logo came up =/