The Genie

by Armiris
A casual fortune-telling game where The Genie can answer any question you ask him.
Well it is an original concept for BYOND, though not original concept. The layout is good, very easy to understand and it does exactly what it says it will do(Answer Yes or No questions).

I would LOVE to see some actual graphics in the game, it would make it look great. Like having a Genie at a fair stand or something, cause its just a bland gray background.

Though one thing I do like is it logs down your chat, so i'll frightfully show you my chat with it, which makes me fear my life today(I think Armiris is a murderer!!!)

Bakasensei logged in.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'Is this fake?', and The Genie answered '...I dunno...'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'Will you answer no?', and The Genie answered 'Yes'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'Then answer no', and The Genie answered 'Never'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'Why not?', and The Genie answered 'Ask again in a few minutes...'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'Why?', and The Genie answered 'No'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'That didn't make sense at all.', and The Genie answered 'Ask again, I wasn't listening'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'That didn't make sense at all.', and The Genie answered 'Maybe someday'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie '...', and The Genie answered 'Absolutely'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'You lying to me boy, IM A COP', and The Genie answered 'Never'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'Okay, okay, but whats your real name', and The Genie answered 'No'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'You wont tell me it?', and The Genie answered 'Never'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'Why not?', and The Genie answered 'Yes'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'So what is it', and The Genie answered 'Maybe someday'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'So the names someday?', and The Genie answered 'Ask again in a few minutes...'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'Alright SOMEDAY, will I die today?', and The Genie answered '...I dunno...'.
Bakasensei has asked The Genie 'ANSWER THE FKING QUESTION!!!', and The Genie answered 'Yes'.


Overall a 7 in my book!
I had a genie graphic while I was making the game, but I took it out before releasing the game, because it wasn't original.
that was funny.... IMMA A COP!!!
nice one... dam genie got the best of you
nd did you die that day??? lol