Ok, so, I played spore, and it kind of sucks. Yes, the first time through is pretty okay (simple, but simple is okay), but why would anyone want to play the game a second time through?
So here's what happened, I played through as an oppressive carnivore. Then I went through and played as a peace loving herbivore, and stopped at the Creature stage when I realized it was 10 times harder to make friends than it was to just kill stuff.
Then I wondered why I was even playing a second time at all, because I already did all this (albeit playing lovey dovey instead of eating creature faces). Spore offers nothing new the second time through, therefore completely ruining the entire idea behind the game. It's not addictive in any way. This is a game you'll spend 50 bucks on only to play once and then shelve.
Now, some people might say that it's better to play through once than not to play at all. I say, that's fine, if you plan on reselling it afterword (wait, you can't really do that because of the lame DRM).
My suggestion? If you must play it, steal it from walmart or go play on your friends computer.
![]() Sep 8 2008, 6:02 am
![]() Sep 8 2008, 12:24 pm
Play as a peace-lover then play as a killer, simple eh?
I agree that the Creature Phase is awful, but that doesn't destroy the rest of the game. The best thing to do is to start the game in Tribal Phase, then continue from there. The Cell phase is surprisingly addictive, though. (I've played it atleast 10 times already, while my brother has conquered the globe in Civ mode atleast 12)
Not to mention the fact that the sheer level of customization, procedurality, and variety causes no two playthroughs to be the same. (Besides maybe Creature mode) Try the game's various Creators, and upload stuff to the Sporepedia. There's an entire online community where you can gain fame or look at other incredible designs. http://www.spore.com/sporepedia Once you play creature mode enough(Conquered/allied two or three times), Tribe mode becomes available, allowing you to instantly skip the game's slightly less enjoyable bit. |