I plan on releasing PA2 closed alpha later today or tomorrow, mainly because I'm too lazy to test all the attacks myself. I already tested some of the weirder ones, like leech seed, but I want to check for errors all around. For the open alpha, there will be the three starter pokemon, no map beyond some grass and trees, catching (no limits on how many you can have at the moment; I'll remedy that in the future), and some other tiny things like clothes.

Apply in comments to be added, the server will be put up today or tomorrow, but it all depends on my homework really.
meeeeeeeee, or i cut you
Can I be added? I can't wait to see how PA2 is coming along :D

Not to mention the fact that I'm great at finding bugs. I once discovered that by trying to drop a Data Disk onto surfable water then killing yourself causes the game to mess up in PMR.
I'll be glad to test it out for you. If you need my help, then add me. I'll check tomorrow and perhaps tonight.