Keywords: box, head, online
I intend to fully revamp the game in a much more orderly fashion. I've already got a good start with graphics and controls. Try it out!
lyk, dont spamnewb.
I'm actually interested in the MouseAvoid game - is that still being worked on?
DemonSpree wrote:
I'm actually interested in the MouseAvoid game - is that still being worked on?

Unfortunately not. It was deleted some time ago. It would be relatively easy to recreate however, if you wanted me to do that some time. :p

Would be nice, I enjoy mouse-based games.
um speedro can you add me on your pager

i am realy insterested in your boxhead


are you ever going to make a 2nd one?

if so could i help?
DemonSpree wrote:
Would be nice, I enjoy mouse-based games.

Alright, I'll probably contact you when I've made it again. I'll probably re-do the project when I need a breather from BHO. :)
speedro when u gonna host boxhead...... been a while XD
it wont let me download the game.i just want to play his version by myself.can someone tell me how to download it.i already downloaded byond engine and i have played resident evil online 2 so its no the byond engine.
MASTERAAA777 wrote:
it wont let me download the game.i just want to play his version by myself.can someone tell me how to download it.i already downloaded byond engine and i have played resident evil online 2 so its no the byond engine.

The download link works alright for me- the only working game (and half decent game) I have available right now is Box Head Online.
Why are the characters round and not square?
yo dude you seem really smart at coding, would you mind helping me out? i just want to get a grasp on the basics like meanings of codes and how to conjur a code by thinking and not copying
Kaamos and I have been working on a completely new version of Box Head Online.

The graphics are smooth, the guns are awesome, thanks to Kaamos as a second great programmer.

This version will more closely immitate the real boxhead game, except yes, it will still be multiplayer! What is a game without multiplayer?!