But I felt like it would be fun to discuss the BYOND players that have a real life and will quit if they don't get things their way.
Now after I've been staff on a game for three years I've ran into plenty of these kids. So now what do I do when I come across one? I ban them.
But why would I do such a thing? Isn't it the right thing to do? I mean these kids have a real life, and are probably loved by all in their city. So I shouldn't let my trivial little BYOND game keep them away from their real life friends. They probably have so many they don't even know all their names.
Then magically after saying "wll i dn't car3 if i get baned. ur a lser anywyz" They ALWAYS make a new key and log on to complain that you banned them.
I'm quite sure that I'm the loser here.
![]() Sep 4 2008, 8:23 am
![]() Sep 4 2008, 9:27 am
Yes, yes you are.
Definitely elitest...which is NOT a good thing to be(because no matter who you are*, you're not the best).
*- Micheal Phelps, Tiger Woods, and Wayne Gretzky are the exceptions to this rule, they aren't really human. |
Michael Phelps is a freaking guy who likes to swim. That is it. There are two reasons to swim: To have fun and to avoid death by drowning. I'm sick of all this Phelps worship. If he's walking on water, how the fuck is he supposed to swim?
As for the rest of this page, I find it funny how people are getting all defensive. It is annoying as hell when people say stuff that is basically, "You're being unfair. I should be allowed to abuse the bugs, other people did and now they're strong. I'm gonna quit." Then come back crying about being banned for being a jackass. But anyways, back to not being on BYOND. |
...because you can definitely outswim the guy. The outher point is...right though.
BlackBirdOmega wrote: Michael Phelps is a freaking guy who likes to swim. That is it. There are two reasons to swim: To have fun and to avoid death by drowning. I'm sick of all this Phelps worship. If he's walking on water, how the fuck is he supposed to swim? being banned for being a jackass. |
Michael Phelps is an awesome guy who hunts for bears. That is it. There are two kinds of bears: grizzly bears and bumble bears. I'm ecstatic about all this beetle racing. If bugs turn fiscal junipers, how are purples going to Wednesday on rye?
As for jumper cables in Pakistani tigers, I find yellow bobcats on George Washington Christ Jr too. It is silly as flam when monkeys fling buckets that is red, "You damn buckets. I should hold plastic bags in glass jars, other people is and are when be. I'm gonna dance." Then come back dirty about being date raped by Patrick Swayze. But anyways, I farm sauce in Los Sonates. |
You do realize if you ban one of them with a life one day and they don't come back and neglect to care, AND they put in a good last word, you'll be left unfulfilled.
late post but worth it...
yeah i would say that you are, all they wanted to do was enjoy a game for a given time and have fun with friends, yet you ruin it. Be proud of yourself, no one else is a douche bag like you. and the award for biggest douche bag in the world goes to....CARNAGE! |