I would like to thank everybody for dedicatedly waiting for Naruto GOA to come back online, i know some people thought me having it down for a few months was a bad choice, but all in all I really believe that having the time to enjoy the summer and not get too bogged down by developing a BYOND game allowed me to enjoy working on it when i did come back to it. Thanks to the downtime i was really able to think about the direction that the game should go in and how I want the final product to play and to notice that i was straying from my original goal as the developement went on. I really believe that if you try to update a game all the time and dont really stand back and look at the product as a whole that you end up making changes that make the game worse and not better. All in all the fans have been great (with a few exceptions who seemed to go crazy but they were a minority), even when i was a little late on the release of the update (2 days, yikes) There was no angry you lied to us posts on the forum and basically only cries of anticipation not of anger.
Also i would like to thank everybody who had never played the game who decided to play it. It always means a lot to me when i make a game to see people from the community that arent the typical Anime game player trying the game out and judging it on its own merits. Its really hard for somebody to work on a game and really feel like the feedback they get is real when its either from people who love you (just a little too much) and say its the best thing ever, or people who dont really care to try it and give negative feedback out of spite. Seeing people who are unbias play is invaluable, I like to think that the game is a game, and not something that people who hate anime or hate naruto or hate me cant enjoy. Im happy with the game and the new save system, im sorry that we do have some bugs but they are going to be short lived and addressed within the next day or two. I hope nobody feels discouraged from playing the game and Im happy quite frankly with the community in general and the state of BYOND at this time.
PS: Look at this little thing i made with DreamMakers Make-EXE function, neato: http://masterdan.vk.googlepages.com/NarutoGOA.exe
Sep 3 2008, 9:53 pm
Sep 3 2008, 10:35 pm
It's almost like that break enlightened you or gave you a whole new perspective towards everything.
Seriously, Dan, you do seem a lot more...mellow? But anyways, I've been wanting to play for a while now...and I can't get in on any servers(which is good for you and your success)....and it's 10 AM, when most of your fan base should be asleep and/or at school :\
Most of GOA fans skip school; there's even one who dropped out school just to play GOA. >___>;
Hulio-G wrote:
It's almost like that break enlightened you or gave you a whole new perspective towards everything. Agree with Hulio 100%. |
Hulio-G wrote:
It's almost like that break enlightened you or gave you a whole new perspective towards everything. Enlightened he has become indeed, but he's not the only one far as I can tell. |
Trilho wrote:
Does your mouth come white in the end? Nope, and nope. |
Also Dan, I'm noticing, there are LOTS of players on both servers (Which is great in your case) But even though a lot of the times I wait and wait to get in....once I finally do it lags me to death, you should get some really good hosts to host new servers that is if you can't buy any more Shell Servers. ^_^