Many people seem to think the below code would be good:
var/mob/M = locate(/mob) in get_step(src,dir) //find a mob in front of the player
flick("punch",src) //flick the punch icon state
if(M) //if it found said mob
view(src) << "[] punches []"
M.HP -= 10
However, if you have more than one attack that does almost the same thing, it wouldn't be so good. For example, what if you had a Kick() verb, too? And the only difference with the kick verb would be that it would deal more damage, say something else, and flick a different icon state. Would you copy and paste your punch code, then change the details? Probably! However, there is a much easier way to go about this, and it is with a modular proc:
var/mob/M = locate(/mob) in get_step(src,dir) //find a mob in front of the player
flick(flickicon,src) //flick the punch icon state
if(M) //if it found said mob
view(src) << "[] [name] []"
M.HP -= damage
Did you see what I did there? I defined a new proc, called Attack(), and gave it a few args. From there, I called the Attack proc from the verbs with these args, and Voila, you just saved a few lines of code. So right now you might be thinking, "So what's the big deal? I'm barely saving 3 or 4 lines!". Well, the big deal is that you can easily change the attack proc instead of changing the two verbs. Can you imagine having 200+ attacks that all do roughly the same thing, and then you figure out there's a bug in a bit of repetitive code? Well, then you have to spend 2+ hours fixing it. However, if use a proc to handle everything, you can change one little chunk of code and be over with it quickly! A huge time saver!
Now, what if I wanted to implement a status system, so that if a user is doing something, let's say taunting in this case, they can't attack. Well, you just tack on if(status != "taunting") on to every attack, right? Wrong. You simply use return (look it up in the DM reference if you don't know what it does) and a little if() statement:
if(Status_Check()) //if they can't attack due to a status issue
return //cancel the attack
var/mob/M = locate(/mob) in get_step(src,dir) //find a mob in front of the player
flick(flickicon,src) //flick the punch icon state
if(M) //if it found said mob
view(src) << "[] [name] []"
M.HP -= damage
if(status == "taunting")
src << "You can't attack while taunting!"
return 1//return one, which will mean don't attack
return null //return null, which will mean attack
As your code expands, designing it like this is a good thing to do. That way, if you ever decide, "Hey I need to change this! I just added a new status condition!" you only have a minute or so of work, versus 2 hours. In my one game, I have a few basic procs, such as melee attack, projectile attack etc. (there are a few more), some stat/status procs, a death check proc, and a damage proc. I strung these all together, and now my semi-complicated battle system is simple to add attacks to and change. Plus, most of the attacks take but 2 lines of code. Overall, it's best to program this way. Its efficient, saves time, and, most importantly, prevents you from hitting the resource limit as many games have before.
Please comment if I made any mistakes, typos, etc.
*Yes, I know there was a definition pertaining specifically to computers, I just felt this definition was easier to understand.