Honestly, how utterly blind do you have to be to vote for McCain?
We're on the verge of WWIII with Russia, because we keep meddling around with Georgia, and McCain is the main one leading this effort for another great conflict.
Then there's the fact that his VP pick has less experience than that of Obama. Let's not forget that the McCain campaign often criticized Obama for lack of experience, whilist the new VP pick is less experienced, less truthful (new baby? more like new grandchild), and less intelligent.
This post isn't about support for Obama. It's about not electing McCain. The reasoning you people continue to say you're voting for him is slowly dwindling down to pure racism or ignorance.
What exactly makes McCain a better choice than Obama? His energy plan? No. His war plans? No. His ideas for new jobs? No. His plans for furthering our children's education? He doesn't have one! Or how about him being in favor of reinstating a draft? Does any of this make you want to vote for him?
Oh, wait. He's a fiscal conservative. His tax plans obviously are superior. Wrong. Each of the tax plans put the nation into more debt. Only one is actually beneficiary to the citizens of the country. The other fully supports a war on the front with Iraq.
But wait! Terrorism! We're voting for him to dispatch terrorists! No. We're not. Terrorists will always exists. Pushing for a war with Iran on the pure basis of them allegedly supplying Iraqi terrorist organizations with weaponry isn't a good reason anymore. We've found that by snooping into the Bush administrations previous actions, much of the reasoning we've gone to war is pure fabrication.
Why does McCain want us to continue a war without cause? Shouldn't we be looking for the primary individual who caused the 9/11 attacks?
Why does McCain choose a lying and unintelligent vice presidential candidate?
Why does McCain insist on berating Obama in all of his political ads, whilst failing to prove he is indeed the better candidate?
Why are you still voting for this senile and ignorant brute?
![]() Aug 30 2008, 5:01 pm
![]() Aug 30 2008, 5:04 pm
I think someone should go into office and pull a Stalin; in other words, make a secret police service and have them assassinate Osama (a little spin on what Stalin did, but still).
Jeff8500 wrote:
I think someone should go into office and pull a Stalin; in other words, make a secret police service and have them assassinate Osama (a little spin on what Stalin did, but still). Heh. Evidently you haven't heard that we already have blackwater agents working as a secret police in the US. Of course, don't forget that the police is now here to intimidate the public, not protect it. |
I am not a McCain supporter, but...
We're on the verge of WWIII with Russia, because we keep meddling around with Georgia, and McCain is the main one leading this effort for another great conflict. It's not just McCain. The general policy of both Democrats and Republicans is blind support for Georgia. I think some of it has to do with a particular oil pipeline. Both McCain and Obama have openly spoken against Russia; there is no real difference here. Then there's the fact that his VP pick has less experience than that of Obama. Let's not forget that the McCain campaign often criticized Obama for lack of experience, whilist the new VP pick is less experienced, less truthful (new baby? more like new grandchild), and less intelligent. My wife and I live in Idaho and are painfully aware of the quality of state funded education here. Graduating from the University of Idaho, is well... a little underwhelming. But to be very fair, let's let her define herself over the next two months. She'll get two opportunities: next week's GOP convention, and the VP debate against Joe Biden. Oh, wait. He's a fiscal conservative. His tax plans obviously are superior. Wrong. Each of the tax plans put the nation into more debt. Only one is actually beneficiary to the citizens of the country. The other fully supports a war on the front with Iraq. Unless something has changed, McCain's budget plans were "only" going to bloat by $1 billion while Obama's was going to bloat by $200+ billion. But wait! Terrorism! We're voting for him to dispatch terrorists! No. We're not. Terrorists will always exists. Pushing for a war with Iran on the pure basis of them allegedly supplying Iraqi terrorist organizations with weaponry isn't a good reason anymore. We've found that by snooping into the Bush administrations previous actions, much of the reasoning we've gone to war is pure fabrication. Yes, McCain is very wrong on this issue. But you have to be fair here, there's very little to indicate that Obama's general stance on foreign soverignty would be much different. Perhaps specifically with Iraq, Obama is correct. Again, I don't support McCain; but the reasons you state doesn't really differentiate him from Obama. He may be more wrong about Iraq, but he's more right about spending. |
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote: I'm speaking more of how Stalin sent his secret police into Mexico to assassinate Trotsky rather than what he did in his own country, but meh. |
We're on the verge of WWIII with Russia, because we keep meddling around with Georgia "We're heading for a world war in europe because we keep meddling in the affairs of Germany & Checkloslovakia. Let's keep out of this one." This post isn't about support for Obama. It's about not electing McCain. The reasoning you people continue to say you're voting for him is slowly dwindling down to pure racism or ignorance. You're just trying to blatantly shame people in to voting for Obama. If I was wealthy and I didn't want higher taxes for the rich, does voting for McCain make me racist or ignorant? You're just pulling a Xooxer here and trying to make yourself seem right by insulting everyone else. You called his VP a liar. Examples of lying, plx. |
Yeah, you're clearly for Obama. With politics, don't be afraid who you're voting for(if you can vote, it will be for Obama). I despise those who say don't vote for someone. That's how most Americans vote, and nothing gets done with that. I would have voted for McCain had he been the candidate in 2000, back when he was a maverick, and not a GOP lap-mutt.
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
Yeah, you're clearly for Obama. With politics, don't be afraid who you're voting for(if you can vote, it will be for Obama). I despise those who say don't vote for someone. That's how most Americans vote, and nothing gets done with that. I would have voted for McCain had he been the candidate in 2000, back when he was a maverick, and not a GOP lap-mutt. You would have voted for McCain instead of Al Gore? |
Disturbed Puppy wrote:
I despise those who say don't vote for someone. The problem is that's where we've ended up. I'm only young, but I have never voted in an election that didn't come down to two people who clearly shouldn't be left in charge of a jar of peanut butter. I don't remember a single campaign ad that wasn't promising either unrealistic change the candidate was fully aware they couldn't deliver on or flinging poo at their opponent in order to look good. When looking at the list of pros and cons for these guys it quickly boils down to who will do the most damage. Its hard to focus on 'he seems to legitimately want change' when it's followed by 'but will probably spend billions failing'. I haven't heard any good reasons to elect either candidate. It all boils down to do you want to give Obama America's PIN or McCain America's shotgun. I'm not even American and I'm begging for a third 'I'll just fix the pipes and try to stay out of the way' candidate. If only Scruffy was running... |
DarkView wrote:
I'm not even American and I'm begging for a third 'I'll just fix the pipes and try to stay out of the way' candidate. If only Scruffy was running... :'( Scruffy believes in the heart of this country. Scruffy aside, I would have preferred old McCain over Obama, but new McCain is too conservative. He's gone from what I think was the right stance on abortion to the overly conservative view on it...along with everything else. |
DarkView wrote:
I'm not even American and I'm begging for a third 'I'll just fix the pipes and try to stay out of the way' candidate. If only Scruffy was running... :'( Scruffy believes in the heart of this country. Scruffy aside, I would have preferred old McCain over Obama, but new McCain is too conservative. He's gone from what I think was the right stance on abortion to the overly conservative view on it...along with everything else. |