![]() Aug 29 2008, 1:22 pm (Edited on Aug 30 2008, 7:50 am)
Poll: Who?
The polls are now closed.
I really hate both of them....
![]() Aug 29 2008, 2:10 pm
Obama. Nuff said.
No candidate has ever been perfect. You'd damn well BETTER like one of them, beucase one of them is gonna be your leader for the next 4-8 years.
I see McCain winning, sadly. I'm not really a FAN of Obama(he's a Democrat), but I don't like the new lean that McCain has made to suck in the conservative vote. That being said, America is still closed-minded about having someone who isn't white in the Oval office(we're* still pretty racist). And the majority of people in the country are too concerned with some false idea of a blob of cells being a baby and having their guns taken away to see any 'real' political issue
*we're- Americans. Not just whitey either, all Americans are just racist in some form. |
Obama: Endorses ethanol
McCain: Supports building 45 new nuclear power plants and funding clean coal research (I'm not a huge fan of the latter, but it's a step in the right direction). The former would create 750000 (or 75000; meh) new jobs. If you're talking the environment, McCain '08. Obama is guaranteed to win though, because no one wants to be called a racist. That and Obama wants "change"! |
Vexonater wrote:
No candidate has ever been perfect. You'd damn well BETTER like one of them, beucase one of them is gonna be your leader for the next 4-8 years. Or 4 to 8 seconds... |
H1ppyh8t3r64 wrote:
Vexonater wrote: The only way someone would be impeached that fast is if their inaugural speech involved bombs being strapped to them and detonated. |
Jeff8500 wrote:
H1ppyh8t3r64 wrote: That could happen. |
H1ppyh8t3r64 wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote: Only if Barrack Hussein Obama wins! </crappy joke><flames> |
Jeff8500 wrote:
Obama is guaranteed to win though, because no one wants to be called a racist. Just so you're up-to standard, Obama has more on the environment than just supporting ethanol, so don't be ignorant. Read what each candidate has total, then make a point. As to the "nobody wants to be called a racist", you're supporting the idea that McCain, not Obama will win. I believe the comedian Greg Giraldo* pointed this out. When someone gets into the poll, they stop caring what everyone thinks. Most Americans will get into the poll booth, and decide a black guy doesn't need to be in the WHITE house, and vote against him(not necessarily for McCain). After they leave the poll booth, they'll probably lie about who they voted for, just to make sure that nobody calls them a racist. *- It may have been someone else. |
I'm sorry for not reading the paper because of school? Last time I read the section with politics I read McCain's environmental policies.
And most Americans will think "change!" when they step into the poll booth. That seems to be the only thing they think now, at least. |
Jeff8500 did you even see obama speech? All the things you believe mccain is proponent of, obama has mentioned specifically in his speech, not only that but its been on his platform forever. Do you just ignore the other side of political debates? Go watch his speech and see if you still disagree on his energy policy, because right now you simply dont know what his stance on it is.
Masterdan wrote:
Jeff8500 did you even see obama speech? All the things you believe mccain is proponent of, obama has mentioned specifically in his speech, not only that but its been on his platform forever. Do you just ignore the other side of political debates? Go watch his speech and see if you still disagree on his energy policy, because right now you simply dont know what his stance on it is. Like I said before, all I've read are some newspaper articles on Obama's support of ethanol and Mccain's support of nuclear and clean coal power. | is a great place to do research on the candidates. It's based off of how they've voted and what they said. It stays, for the most part, unbiased too.
It makes me sick anyone voted for obama, none-of-the-less over 15. *picks up gun*
Jeff8500 wrote:
Like I said before, all I've read are some newspaper articles on Obama's support of ethanol and Mccain's support of nuclear and clean coal power. If you don't know the full extent of the issues, and only one side of them, then you probably shouldn't be voting. |
AnNoYaNcE.FaCtOr wrote:
Jeff8500 wrote: I can't vote anyway; why do I care? All I said was that from what I heard, McCain is the better choice when it comes to global warming. I didn't vote in the poll either, by the way. |
Personally, I don't care for either. Obama's policies will affect me, as a member of the armed forces.
I was against Clinton entirely because she wanted to basically destroy the military working man's way of life by shorting his already "not worth it" pay. (I did the math, and I make about $2.15 an hour.) I am completely against anyone putting a time-table on Iraq. It needs to be an issue based on national security, and as much as I disagree with forcing Iraq to be a democratic party, things will fireball over there if we aren't there long enough to support the fledgling nation before it has the infrastructure to protect itself. If Iraq is troubled, America is trouble. The damage is done, and our fates are now intertwined. I don't think we should be there for McCain's 100 years, but I don't think we should leave before it is more stable. After all, if Iraq becomes a strong democratic nation, the rest of the world will not see our invasion in as bad a light they do now. Second, I think you are overestimating the "racist vote". I think Obama's chances are only hurt by a few percent, and McCain's best bet is if Hillary runs as an independent, as her votes will split a good portion of the female demographic, and the democratic vote. Personally, for the lesser of two evils, I'm merely going to say McCain. The last thing America needs is a COMPLETE 180 in politics. It would leave us picking up the pieces for years. Instead, we need a gradual change. |