McCain voter, after Sarah Palin added to ticket

![]() Aug 29 2008, 12:38 pm
McCain voter, pre-August-29
![]() McCain voter, after Sarah Palin added to ticket ![]() |
![]() Aug 29 2008, 12:42 pm
I'm thinking of voting for Mickey Mouse, but Slurm McKenzie would be good too. Or Dr. Zoidberg! :D
She's definitely a VCICILF... (Vice Commander-in-Chief I'd Like to... well, you get the picture...)
Also, given the "Fairness Doctrine" we will be subject to if the Democrats get their way, I hope you realize that whatever you want to do with Mrs. Palin, you also have to do with Mr. Cheney!
When it comes to republicans, thats pretty much the hottest chick since Condy.
Xooxer wrote:
omg. Anaconda Rice is not hot. XP Well, to each his own. Personally I find her relevant to my interests. I've always liked this outfit: http://images.google.com/ images?hl=en&q=condi+rice+boots&btnG=Search+Images |
Deadron wrote:
Also, given the "Fairness Doctrine" we will be subject to if the Democrats get their way, I hope you realize that whatever you want to do with Mrs. Palin, you also have to do with Mr. Cheney! This makes no sense whatsoever. |
This makes no sense whatsoever. The Fairness Doctrine makes its own sense, like Gravy Train makes its own gravy. Also see the short story "Harrison Bergeron." |
Gughunter wrote:
This makes no sense whatsoever. Makes absolutely no sense in the context in which Ron used it. |
Yep, it was really smart. Not only will it stir up tons of interest in republicans again, but the lady he picked kicks Hillary Clinton's bureaucratic ass. I don't like McCain much, but I am very impressed with his style. Maybe I'll research it and vote this election.
She's a fucking nutcase. <_<.
Almost certainly a smart move, but the politics of that lady make me shudder. Not that that's unexpected, but she's a little more open on her "Fuck the environment" stance than I expected. |
but she's a little more open on her "Fuck the environment" stance than I expected. Where has she said something like this? |
She supports drilling for oil and natural gas in Alaska, particularly in wildlife reserves. She's passed taxation laws that make oil companies even richer. She doesn't think global warming is anthropogenic. She's attempted to prevent the listing of polar bears as an endangered species.
A newspaper article in The Australian (A very well-regarded paper. Definitely not a tabloid nor particularly biased in either direction) about her appointment also claimed that she opposed a bill that would prevent Alaskan industry dumping waste into salmon spawning rivers, but I couldn't find anything else about that one. My initial impression of her positions came from that newspaper article - all the examples I've listed here come from this wikipedia page. I didn't intend "Fuck the environment" as a quote - it was just the general feeling I got from her policies. I'm not a fan of economic growth being a higher priority than some environmental concerns, particularly not when it's a highly lucrative dead end like oil and natural gas. |
I think shes a retard. She used to be a beauty queen aparently, now shes a lapdog republican who simply votes the direction her party wants. Also she has a year of experience, a YEAR. Yeah okay obama has 7 and a harvard education and a lifelong list of achievements, this girl is a tart with no idea what shes doing and you think she can take the Presidential spot if john mccain dies? (and he probably will!). Terrifying, at first i was like wow thats a good political move, then i realized how shallow and obviously pandering it is to the hillary supporters. Its so hypocritical to say obama isnt ready and then appoint as your VP a woman who has actually no experience whatsoever and nobody has even heard of.
Its terrifying, terrifying what the republicans will put at risk to try and steal hillary supporters. Obamas VP pick was responsible, he could actually do the job no doubt about it. What does this girl bring to the table besides votes? she has no skills, she has no knowledge, she doesnt have any good ideas or bring any sort of young blood to the republicans. Her voting policy so far and attitude has shown shes a bigger lapdog than Bush administration mccain (and thats saying something.) Let me also clarify that at the beggining of this race, when it was mccain/hillary/obama. I said id be happy as long as hillary didnt win. I like(d) mccain. It was because of his nice guy personality and sincerity. Hes lost that, its like this race has forced him to lose his soul in desperation. |