If you don't laugh it this, you need to realize there are some things that people just should not be afraid of.
![]() Aug 28 2008, 12:18 pm
If you don't laugh it this, you need to realize there are some things that people just should not be afraid of. |
![]() Aug 28 2008, 12:21 pm
ROFL! Its a fucking food...
Seriously, I would not laugh if I witnessed a person that terrified.
I remember I used to hate broccoli as a kid (who didn't? Most children do not have the taste for them) ... and I conquered that hatred (which could have evolved into fear) by... eating them! Revenge never tasted more better... and it was good for me too :D |
it's not just funny that she's scared of pickles, it's funny that they obviously don't care and just wanted to throw a bunch of pickles at her on national TV and embarrass her. Now she's officially pickle girl. |
There was this girl who sat beside me in class who was deathly afraid of clowns. I didn't believe her so one day I drew a shitty stickman version of a bozo-style clown on a piece of paper and showed it to her and she flipped out.
Oh noez! They is green! RUN!
Seriously, is she afraid of cucumbers, too? I'd throw them at her, just because that's such a stupid thing to be afraid of. I second the lesbian comment, by the way. |
I knew a kid that was so afraid of needles that when a kid in school who sat across the room brought a syringe (without a needle in it) so he could shoot water, or whatever, he ran out because he was having a panic attack. He'd also have seizures whenever he'd go to the doctor he was so afraid.
It's kind of ironic. He's a medic in Iraq now. |
I used to be phobic of a lot of things. Not to that extent, other than roller coasters and maybe heights. But I still squeal like a little girl when I see spiders haha.
Haha, usually with spiders I either: A) Jump back and say "woah!" if it's HUGE and strangely colored (A spider about the size of my palm with weird yellow and white stripes across it inspired this) or B) Step back, grab a shoe, hit it, throw it's body in the toilet (if it still has one) and clean the guts up.
Jeff8500 wrote:
Haha, usually with spiders I either: A) Jump back and say "woah!" if it's HUGE and strangely colored (A spider about the size of my palm with weird yellow and white stripes across it inspired this) or B) Step back, grab a shoe, hit it, throw it's body in the toilet (if it still has one) and clean the guts up. That's an absolutely terrible idea. The presence of spiders in your house generally indicates the presence of many other insects you don't want. Think of them as natural exterminators. I don't mind spiders as long as they aren't poisonous and don't build webs in my way. |
There are other insects in my house (namely silverfish; god those things freak me out), but let's just face it, no one likes to get out of the shower naked facing a spider about the size of your palm, nor do they like to get up at night to go to the bathroom and see a similar spider in their sink.