Takes another sip of his hot-coco & Yawns. Yea its late, and Digital Jr is going to kick my *Beep*. I haven't worked on ?Mario? all day. Even though I had the time.

Lazy.. what? Ok maybe just a little. But you try figuring out pixel stepping + pixel collision. Some hard *beep*... -_- So you good huh. Well its going to be a platform. *Beep*, NES emulated ran at an average of 87FPS. HA, "Byond has little limitation" my *beep*. How am I suppose to do a kick *beep* game with only 10FPS. OK OK, dantom has done a really good job with byond. Lord knows... probley along with all of byond. That I would have never been able to make a byond.

Ohh Thanks to Dragonslayer4000 for the forum, blog icons. Also thanks to hiead for emailing me images.

So... yep this is my blog post... The only question you should have is. "What does the most boaringest person's blog say?" O.o

Yea, every one hates me on byond.
Any way... Here is a little somthing I decided to do.

Big O.... Yep Big O Notation. Used when analyzing algorithms. Algorithms can be analyzed for both execution time and memory space. But who needs memory space, right! So execution is what we are going to worry about. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!

But what is it?
Well its an estimation of which algorithms are the most efficiant in time execution. You do this through steps. Big O deals with the input size. Because most algorithms have a input. Which varys in size. We will call this n. Let me give you an example with a basic loop bellow.
        for(n=1;    // 1 step
        n<=L.len;    // 1 step + L_length
        n++)        // L_length
                list[n] = n   // L_length
        reutrn 0    // 1 step

As you can see, list/L is the input n. This would then be represented in mathimatical terms as 1 + 1 + n + n + n + 1 or 3n+3. Then you would make the 3's the constants and ignore them kn+k. So in Big O notation it would be O(n). Which means the above algorithm would vary by the inputs size.

Don't accept this information as correct in any way. Cause Im stupid. Also, does any one know how to do this for memory space?

Well there you have it. My first blog post. Even though every one hates me :(. Ohh well... I guess I better get back to work on ?Mario?
Well, first off, I don't hate you XD

Also, good luck making the pixel based platform game (Did I read that right?) I tried something like that when the Key_State lib came out, sad to say I never actually got it work.

Maybe you'll find a way I hadn't even thought of XD

The algorithum stuff went right over my head though, so you should be able to make whatever you want XD
O.o what types of problems did you have, may I ask.

Im having a little trouble in objects bigger than 1 tile. Moving bolth objects by pixel_x vairables I don't think would work.

GL working on Pixel Step and Collision? I am also for my "X'Purts" project. Have fun.
