After a long time of blowin people off, telling people about ideas then forgetting them, saying i'm gonna make this game or that, i've finally found what I want to do. So that means this will be my real project. So don't ask about any projects I said I would do, or were doing cause they've been dumped down. Except of course i'm still making icons for SuperAntX's Shooter. And to answer anyones question, no I will not work for any games besides this and SuperAntX's for now.

Okay now for the not so depressing(I guess) part. As you may have read up there I am making a game so far called Empire. The game is about the world, well a historical world. There will not be any magicians(At this point i'm really leaning towards not having them), though it will be realistic in the way it was back in time. Basicly all your playing with is players who are playing, but there will be NPC's(There has to be). But there is a very large and vast map that will be played on while people strive to live in there economies/control them.

Now its not your run in the mill builder/destroyer game. You don't always create a place that is your goal for some though it can get crushed. When the game starts out there will be 1 main empire that will be ran by me or an npc or whoever overthrows the emperor. Under that empire there will be a Polis(A main capital one), then small city-states in there, and around all that villages. What you do is when you start out you pick a village/City-State/Polis/Empire that is built to live there as a peasant and you pick what class/statistics you want and go from there on. If you want to lead a place you have some choices here:
1).Is to save money, loads of money from whatever you can get it, and buy off builders to make your place for you, though when making raiders or anyone can come and attack them, so you'll also want knights to defend them.
2).Take over a current Village Leader, King, or Emperor by killing them or they release the power to you.
3).Working your way up from a Village, then when it gets big enough to a City-State and so on till you build yourself an Empire.

Though you may think running a whole empire means your the best on the game and done all you can, bu t no. There are raiders and bandits, and pirates that attack your empire, and riots, or traitors/rebels that form, so you need to protect it and keep its economy in good shape.

And also that goes for anyone who doesn't run an empire and doesnt wanna make the money and/or have to build one. So what you can do is work your way up through jobs till maybe get a job at emperor or something, or till you get the job you want. There are also other things like Pirate Lord(Sorta like the pieces of 8 crew in Pirates Of The Carribean), The Black Bandit(The leader of the bandit, only seen by the 3 second highest level of bandits), and the Raider Lord(The class is just your name like Atila The Hun[Sp?]).

And for jobs in the places you live in, there are currently off the top of my head...
Barbers, Clothiers, Knights, Guards, the long list of leadership jobs(Mayor-Emperor), also t he ability to make your own organization, bar/goods shop owners, weapons shop, hospitals, and much more!

Now, for when your a leader, you can decide to do whatever you want with whatever you own no matter what. You decide all the rules and restrictions what the people do, what it looks like, where it is, what jobs there are and much more. So you could dedicate your place to fighting(Like Sparta) or do it for pure education and luxury(Like Athans) or anything you think of. Though make sure your people like it, or there could be disciplines.

---End of Info for now---

The jobs I currently need are the following, though remember this will be an easier project on everything, nothing hard and ground breaking just purely designed to be an MMORPG.

Info: After every section i'll have a Currently In-Staff with there In-Game Name{Key}(And job) in that order. Also an Info to say about it in general and all the jobs.

3+ Pixel Artist:

Turfs(The scenary[Sp?])
Objs(Like Buildings and such)
Mobs(The players and there equipment)

Info: I can easily have more than one person working on any number of things, and I myself will be working on all of them(Mainly Turfs and Obj's though.)

Currently In-Staff: Menzu Namiaru{Bakasensei}(T/O/M), Neonlare{Neonlare}(M), Sandlight{Sandlight}(O)

1+ Programmer:

Small Snippets, or Helping

Info: Has to be Intermediate+ for this. I will not give you the source, i'll just ask for snippets and help with what I do.

Currently In-Staff: Menzu Namiaru{Bakasensei}, Ss4Toby{Ss4Toby}

2+ Graphics Designers:

Forum Management
Graphic Designs(Like GFX)

Info: I don't need that good of one, mainly for the Graphics Designs though.

Currently In-Staff: @nd$ter{King_Andster}(FM)

---All Staff---

Bakasensei - Programmer/Pixel Artist
Ss4Toby - Programmer
Neonlare - Pixel Artist
Sandlight - Pixel Artist
King_Andster - Grahpics/Forum Design

Contact me on AIM at: [email protected] (NOT MSN AIM!!!!!!)
:O i want you to get your naruto game up it was so promising!!
Talk to Dneezy or Alliance Gaming.