Keywords: blackjack, cardgame
I want to make a blackjack game based on the book "Bringing Down the House" by Ben Mezrich
& I don't know how to make the tables, so can someone please help me
I'm using the Card Game Starter library as a base
Thank You ~ Prf X
Could you tell us what ways you've attempted so far, or your thought process up to this point in attempting to design the tables?

I hope you can forgive me for sounding a little mean, but I can probably answer your question as it is, but I'd be basically making your game for you by doing so, at which point I might as well make and host it myself.

Better to talk you through the thought process involved I think, and we can come to a good solution together, so you learn.
All I need is help rewrite the deal code to deal 2 cards (1 face-up & 1 face-down) to each mob playing the table
is for my attempts: none

& yes I do forgive you, I understand
First step: Define, in each major step, how to play blackjack. Not kidding, right here or in a word document, write how to play black jack.