Well for starters, this is a personal project on my spare time. It's all single, non-shaded graphics, but it looks pretty nice. I still have each graphical terrain blend to another. Like how sand blends into the water, or grass to sand, etc... So far I'm just making terrain, and from there, I go on to characters, to NPC's... etc. Anyhow, I just thought I'd let you all know what I'm currently doing. Since It figures, GCW2 won't work out after all, I'd might at well start new. My next blog entry will have screens so you can check out my progress. The plot of the game... well, really there isn't one yet. I'm just designing a world, and then focusing on a plot. I might lean towards a HArvest Moon-like world, but not entirely. I guess you'll just have to wait and see. That is all, peace!

P.S. If you have an interest in this project, or would like to know more, just hit me up. I know I can handle everything on my own, but it'd be nice to have a partner in crime! Let me know, later.