Galactic Enterprise is slowly shaping into what I want it to be. Expect GE's release soon, but not TOO soon.

Well, I'm sure there's some of you who want screenshots of gameplay and YouTube videos, but I can't quite offer those just yet. But what I can offer you is this sneak-peek of some information about 2 planets.

icon_state="Class E"
desc="Class E planets are of similar structure to earth. They can hold many colonists, and produce most natural resources."
icon_state="Class Z"
desc="Class Z planets are <i>very</i> rare, and normally don't make good living places. Class Z planets are often made up of pure energy. With the right technology, you just MIGHT be able to enter the planet. However, without any sort of preperations, you're bound for death."
Rarity="Very Rare"

That is all. Hopefully the Beta server for GE shall come soon.

My process would go much faster with Spaceship/Spacestaion icons, however. If you're a good Iconer, or if you have some Spaceship/Spacestation icons, I'd love to hear from you.

MSN: [email protected]
YAY its coming along faster than i thought it would.

I want in beta.
8=====3 Just for you, <3
It sounds interesting. I'd be happy to help you with a few things if you put my name in the credits. :D
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
It sounds interesting. I'd be happy to help you with a few things if you put my name in the credits. :D

Icons would be wonderful. I'm in need of cake, sorry, I was hungry..

I'm in need of Spaceship and Spacestation icons! GIVE ME ICONS OR GIMME DETH!! =(
Well you're not being specific enough. I don't know how many to make, what sort of color schemes I should use, styles... You get the idea.
Well, actually, I'd like any type of spaceship/spacestation, whether it be satellite-looking spacestations, or even sphereical ships. =/