I just released an update for PathWrath 2. There are many interface changes that I hope players will appreciate. I got rid of some tabs and hid some things in the Start section (as I recently did with Occupied Forces). Meanwhile, I made cards easier to examine by merging some tabs and cutting down the number of tab layers. This should decrease the number of required clicks and allow players to see whether or not a card can participate in a given action at a glance. There's also a change in abandon values and some other little things.
Unfortunately, players will still have to deal with the annoying output control for now. I have not yet decided if I'm going to simply reformat it into a grid or switch in unique panes for each turn phase. On the bright side, I should be able to work either into the current source code easily enough. I just wanted to release what I have first.
Downloading the game will reveal a hint of something new, but I need to update something else to make it valuable.
Believe it or not, I have been thinking about GrimTunnel. I still want to release a simultaneous turn (or general phase handling) library first. However, I have been mentally redesigning some aspects.
For instance, I think that I might make the shop continue to sell minions/loot from older rooms. This would give players something to plan on. The earlier design had a completely new shop inventory every round, which was incredibly random.
I might also make minions/loot disappear from the shop if a player gets sent back to the last exit and nobody else has tunneled as deep. (New room depths would still cause the inventory to increase with random minions/loot.) This would give players a reason to let others advance.
My computer fan seems to have stopped buzzing around Saturday or Sunday. (Something was making noise yesterday though.) I don't know if it's still working. I'm guessing that it either ground something up until there was nothing left or just stopped spinning. Hopefully, my computer will last another few weeks.
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If it's your chipset fan, don't do anything processor-intensive for any prolonged period because it will cause severe wear on your motherboard. If it's the CPU fan, your CPU will probably warp beyond usability within a few hours. ;-)